the new Jerusalem

God's Plan

April 22, 2024 Subir Joshua Gorey Season 2 Episode 3

Have you ever questioned where your life is heading or felt a slight bit of envy at someone else's success?

This week's episode unravels how God has the perfect plan for you. A plan which supersedes all situations, one that has an inheritance waiting for us.

All we need to do is just put our trust and delight in Him.

”For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.“
- Jeremiah 29:11 NKJV

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Speaker 1:

Hallelujah. I wanted to start with telling you this morning that God is in control of everything. He is in control of everything. He is in control of all your situations and he knows everything about you and this beautiful day, this beautiful morning. Don't be mistaken by it and don't think that he is not in control or he doesn't know what's happening with you. He knows everything that's happening with you and he's into every minute detail when it concerns you and your life and things pertaining to what you need in every aspect of your life and things pertaining to what you need in every aspect of your life. He knows it.

Speaker 1:

And Jeremiah 29.11 says For I know the plans, and another version says I know the plans and the thoughts that I have towards you, plans of peace and well-being and plans with a hope and a future. Hallelujah, meditate on this word, jeremiah 29 11. And I want to tell you this morning that the day you accept his son, the day you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior and what he did on that cross for you and me, and that he was raised on the third day, and today that he is seated at the right hand of God. Jeremiah 29.11 is a line to you and and me and I'll read it again for you this morning, for I know the plans and thoughts I have towards you Plans of peace and well-being, plans with a hope and a future, oh, hallelujah. So God is telling you today. He knows the plans that he has for you and he has a plan for you. You are not just floating in thin air as life goes by, just in case that thought ever crossed your mind that I'm just going along. No, no. And I want to tell you this that if you aren't seeing things going the way that you want them to, that's probably not because that's probably because that's maybe the place God does not want you at the moment. You might want to be there or you might want that situation to pan out in that particular way, but God has his own timing of things and I'm here to give you the good news this morning that he has a plan for you. He has a plan for you and me. He has a plan for all of us. And today, through the word of God from a beautiful, beautiful Psalm of King David and I'm getting straight into it Psalm 37, the first and the second verse. Psalm 37, the first and the second verse and you can take your time out and mark this psalm in your Bible and meditate on it in your own time.

Speaker 1:

Psalm 37, the first and second verses Do not fret because of evildoers, nor be envious of the workers of iniquity, and I'll come back to it. The second verse says for they shall soon be cut down like grass and wither, as the green herb. And this Psalm starts with saying to not look at what is happening with others and to be envious about it. Oh, we know what this is. It's so easy to look at others and you know what. It's just human, so there's nothing wrong with it. It's so easy to sometimes look at others when things are not going your way and to say why, lord? Why for them and not for me? And you say why, lord? Why for them and not for me? And I'm reading it again Psalm 37, 1 and 2.

Speaker 1:

Do not fret because of evildoers, nor be envious of the workers of iniquity, for they shall soon be cut down like grass and wither, as the green herb, and I understand because I've been there too. Oh Lord, why for them and not for me? Why for this person and not for me? Why for that person and not for me and it refers to this scripture here as workers of iniquity, which is, as our worldly wisdom says, immoral and wrongdoers. Sometimes you don't know what people do, you just see the outward and you want that. And again, I told you it's. There's nothing wrong with it, it's just how we are. And I want to tell you this morning for that time is limited and it will be cut short and it will wither away, so don't be anxious or envious or even fret about anything or any kind of things that you see happening with others that you want in your life. I am here to tell you the good news this morning that God will do it for you. Oh, he will do it for you, and I told you this morning, I will give you this answer through the word of God. And I'm going straight into the next verse.

Speaker 1:

Psalm 37.3 says Trust in the Lord and do good and dwell in the land and feed on his faithfulness. Oh, hallelujah, oh, people trust in Jesus. Oh, put your trust in Jesus. Oh, put your trust in Jesus, dwell in the land, the place that you are in. He has already given it to you. You need to believe it. The Bible says in 2nd Timothy If we are faithless. Oh, if we are faithless, he remains faithful. He cannot deny himself. Oh hallelujah, feed on his faithfulness. Oh hallelujah, he will never deny you, no matter what you do. He will never deny you, no matter what you do. If we remain faithless, he remains faithful. He cannot deny Himself. You are His child and he will not deny you anything. Trust in the Lord.

Speaker 1:

Psalm 37, verse 4, says delight yourself also in the Lord, and he shall give you the desires of your heart. Oh, amen, and it's so beautifully said here delight yourself also. I've told you multiple times before and I will say it again there's not a single word that's placed incorrectly in the Bible. It's beautiful, and today this psalm is telling you and me we have so many things that we delight ourselves in, but this morning I'm urging you to delight yourself also in the Lord. Also in the Lord. Oh, it's really hot and you can delight yourself in a wonderful ice cream. Oh, you love your coffee in the morning. Delight yourself in that. Oh, there's a series that I watch on Netflix. I delight myself in that. And delight yourself also in the Lord, because the Bible says and he shall give you the desires of your heart. Oh hallelujah, delight yourself in the Lord. Oh, it's so simple. Just get up in the morning and say good morning Jesus. It's as simple as that. It is as simple as that and you will relate to it.

Speaker 1:

If you have any form of a relationship with anyone on this planet, you know just a good morning when you get up is just such a fabulous overlap. A relationship with anyone on this planet, you know just a good morning when you get up is just such a fabulous overlap to have with anyone. And you're his child. You think he doesn't want your good morning. Oh, delight yourself in the lord. Get up in the morning and say a good morning to jesus, or read his word, before you start doing things of the world like reading the news or checking your phone and your tabs and who's messaged you and who. This work situation is burning up right now and needs your intervention immediately. Oh, don't bother about it.

Speaker 1:

Delight in Jesus first. And it's not me, it's the bible that says and he shall give you the desires of your heart. Oh, hallelujah, hallelujah, oh, he shall give you the desires of your heart. It doesn't say might, doesn't say at, doesn't happen between 9 to 12. It happens only from 3 onwards. It doesn't say that. It says he shall give the desires of your heart, oh, hallelujah. But delight yourself in the Lord. And there are so many ways of delighting yourself in the Lord. Everyone is different. And you delight in him and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Speaker 1:

Psalm 37.5 says commit your ways, ways to the Lord, trust also in Him and he shall bring it to pass. Oh, what a beautiful, beautiful Psalm this is Commit your way to the Lord, trust in Him and he shall bring it to pass. You want to doubt it? Oh, I cannot help you. You want to doubt it? Oh, I cannot help you if you want to doubt it. But the word of God says, and the Bible also says I am watching over my word to perform it. That's a present continuous. I'm watching over my word to perform it. And that word this morning for you is to commit your way to the Lord and trust in him, and he will bring it to pass. Leave everything at his feet, or take a decision this morning, and whatever your situation might be all of us have different situations going on and different benchmarks of where we need to be, at what timelines, and I'm not getting into that but leave everything at his feet, leave the plan to him, commit your way to him, commit your ways to him and trust him blindly. Oh, he shall bring it to pass. The Bible says oh, he shall bring it to pass. And I want to tell you at this point of time, when it comes to this particular passage, 37, 5 commit your ways to the Lord. I want to tell you about Shadrach, meshach and Abednego, and some of you know the story and some of you don't, but I want to tell you that when they were I am not getting into the entire story, but when they were pulled up in front of the king and they are challenged as to why they are not bowing down to a statue of gold set up oh, this is committing the way to the Lord and trusting in him they said oh, king, we will not bow down to your statue, we will not, and our God will will save us, and even if he does not, we will not bow down. Oh, hallelujah, that's called committing your way and that's called trusting. And let me tell you what happens and most of you know this, when they turn up the furnace seven times up.

Speaker 1:

The Bible says that the people who were taking Shadrach, meshach and Abednego to the furnace. Even they got burnt Because the king got enraged. Nebuchadnezzar got enraged. How could you even talk to me in that tone? Who are you? I'm the king. Oh, but Shadrach, meshach and Abednego knew the king of kings. And after they threw them in the furnace, the Bible says King Nebuchadnezzar gets up in astonishment and he looks at the furnace and he says he gathers his people around him and he says, oh look, oh look, oh look. Did we not throw three men in there? And his courtmen say, yes, yes, we did, we threw three men in there. Oh look, there are four. There are four in the furnace and they are not bound and they are walking around in the furnace in the fire. And the fourth is like the son of God. Oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

Commit your way to the Lord and trust, oh Hallelujah. Commit your way to the Lord and trust in Him and he shall bring it to pass. There is nothing more beautiful than a better promise that I can share with you this morning through the word of God, psalm 37 5. And the book of wisdom, the book of Proverbs, says the blessing of the Lord makes one rich and he adds no sorrow to it. The blessing of the Lord makes one rich and he adds no sorrow to it. I want to tell you, rich is not just money. Rich is not just money. Rich is rich any aspect of life Happiness, joy, peace, laughter in your homes, 24-7. Overflow, abundance in every aspect of your life. Look at any aspect of your life and there's just overflow. That's the riches of the most high and he adds no sorrow to it. Hallelujah this beautiful morning. No sorrow, but trust him, trust him with it. Hallelujah this beautiful morning. No sorrow, but trust him. Trust him with it. Leave it at his feet, commit your way to the Lord and trust him in it. He will bring it to pass. Hallelujah, and there's no way I can leave this scripture out.

Speaker 1:

Psalm 16, 6 says your lines have fallen. The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places. Yes, I have a good inheritance. Oh, hallelujah. Oh, your lines have fallen into pleasant places. You have a fabulous inheritance in Jesus. Oh, your lineage has changed ever since you put your faith in what he did on that cross in his name. Your lineage has changed ever since you put your faith in what he did on that cross in his name. Your lineage has changed. Your lines have fallen into pleasant places and you have a fabulous inheritance. Hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

And this is for someone here this morning, this day, for you who are listening and you know who you are. You had some form of a crossroad in life and you're not sure about what's the right path or what route needs to be taken. Don't worry. Don't worry, god will give you. He will give you the answer. He will give you the answer in his time, but here is something for you. He will give you the answer in his time, but here is something for you.

Speaker 1:

1 Corinthians 3.7. I don't know who you are, but this is for you. 1 Corinthians 3.7 says and listen to this. So then, neither he who plants is anything nor he who waters, oh hallelujah. So then, neither he who plants is anything nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase, amen, oh hallelujah. Oh, don't think so much about your situation. The one who plants does not matter. The one who plants does not matter. The one who waters does not matter. Oh, your major planning. I'm sorry to bring it to your attention this morning, but this is the truth. Your major planning matters, not your smarts. Your worldly wisdom matters not. Your boss's input does not matter. Your bff's feedback does not matter, your rich uncle's advice or your rich aunt's advice does not matter. They are nothing.

Speaker 1:

1st Corinthians 3.7. Go and mark it, because it is God who brings increase. Oh, growth belongs to the Lord, increase belongs to the Lord. Just put your faith in Him and trust Him and he will guide your paths into beautiful places and he will bring you increase in all areas of your life which you cannot even imagine or fathom. Oh, hallelujah, this beautiful day and this beautiful morning Proverbs 3.6 In all your ways, acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths in all your ways. In all your ways, acknowledge him, oh hallelujah, in all your ways. There is nothing else that I can add to that. Everything that you do, just acknowledge him, because he brings you growth, he brings you increase and he shall direct your paths.

Speaker 1:

Oh, how beautiful to even know that God is directing your path. Oh, I can only imagine would be the best path ever you ever dreamt of, because you can't even fathom the riches that he has. You can't even fathom the wisdom of the deep. You can't even fathom the riches that he has. You can't even fathom the wisdom of the deep. You can't even fathom his love for you, oh, just leave everything to him this beautiful morning.

Speaker 1:

Whatever situation you are in, just leave it to him and you will see. Trust him, committed to him, and just trust him in it and you will see, like Shadrach, meshach and Abednego, you will see His salvation. He will come down from heaven and he will pick you out of that situation. Don't put Him in a box. Leave everything at His feet, whatever it might be, I've told you, whatever it might be, may it be your health, may it be your health, may it be your finances, may it be your relationships. Maybe you're sitting right now all alone and you feel there's no one around you. Commit it to him, trust him, and he will direct your paths, and he will direct your paths and he will come down and pick you out of that situation.

Speaker 1:

If that's what is needed, oh hallelujah, for I know the plans and thoughts that I have towards you, plans of peace and well-being, plans with a hope and a future. Oh hallelujah, dear Lord, I thank you this beautiful morning for your double-edged sword, your word that does not go back until it has achieved where it has been set out, for I thank you, lord, for your plans that you have for us, plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans with a hope and a future, lord, plans with increase, plans of peace and well-being. Thank you, thank you, beautiful Savior, for what you've done on that cross for us. And thank you, lord, for all your blessing that I year in a man in your name that are aligned to us this beautiful morning, lord. Thank you, lord, for our lines have fallen into pleasant places and we have a beautiful inheritance in your name. And, most of all, I thank you that your blessing be multiplied upon us and, lord, you add no sorrow to it. Hallelujah, thank you for this beautiful, beautiful word. In Jesus' name I pray, amen, you.