the new Jerusalem

Our Help Comes From God

May 13, 2024 Subir Joshua Gorey Season 2 Episode 6

Do you know who's got your back? 
No matter what situation you are facing today, do not fear. 

Dive into this week's episode that makes us understand the lengths to which God would go to help us.

The Lord, our God backs us up with His army because He loves us.

”So we may boldly say: “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?”
- Hebrews‬ ‭13‬:‭6‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

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Speaker 1:

Music Hallelujah. Last week we heard about navigating our lives through faith. Navigating our lives through faith. And we heard these three fabulous examples and stories from the Bible and Jesus categorically using these words O woman, great is your faith, let it be as you desire. And telling the blind man go. Your faith has made you well. Telling the lady with the issue of blood for 12 years, daughter, be of good cheer, your faith has made you well.

Speaker 1:

And this beautiful morning I want to share something with you from the Old Testament, and it's a time in the life of Elisha, and I want to tell you that the Bible talks about the king of Syria, and this king of Syria is making war against Israel. And the Bible says that he makes plans to go from place to place or set camp at particular places, and Elisha tells the king of Israel to stay away from that place and not to pass through that place. And this happens not once or twice, it happens multiple times. And the king of Israel, this way, keeps escaping the king of Syria. And the Bible says now the Syrian King is troubled, clearly is concerned. He he's been setting up camp I'm sure they had their own levels of intelligence and warfare in the past and he's setting up camp in places that he probably knows. The king of Israel goes through and every time he doesn't seem to find him. Because Elisha is telling the king of Israel oh king, don't go there, because the king of Syria is there, so don't go there. And he keeps escaping those routes and hence the king of Syria does not capture the king of Israel. So the Syrian king is troubled and he calls his servant to find out if he has a spy amongst them. His servants as aides, you can call them what you want, but the Bible refers to them as servants.

Speaker 1:

And 2 Kings 6, chapter 12, verse onwards, and one of his servants said None, my lord O king. But Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the words that you speak in your bedroom, oh hallelujah. That you speak in your bedroom, oh hallelujah. So the king of Syria is troubled and he calls his servants and when he gets all of them together, one of them stands up and speaks up and says None, my lord O king. Which is basically saying that we don't have any spy amongst us, o king. But the prophet Elisha, who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the words that you speak in your bedroom. So basically, the servant is telling the king of Syria that whatever you speak in secret, even something that you say to yourself in the privacy of your own bedroom, or something that you decide in your mind the way I like to look at it is revealed to Elisha. And Elisha is telling the king of Israel oh hallelujah, how amazing is that Elisha is operating at a next level, power of God, an amazing power of God working through Elisha. So a servant tells him about Elisha and he gets to know that what is being planned by the king of Syria. Elisha goes and tells the king of Israel. So the king of Syria tells his servants, his aides go and see where he is, that I may send and get him.

Speaker 1:

Change of war strategy now. We've made multiple attempts and we've put our heads together. We've gathered our armies and our strategies aren't working because every time this Elisha guy is telling the king of Israel and he's escaping our plans. So let's have a new strategy now. Let's go after Elisha. He's just a man, not a king, doesn't have an army, he's a prophet. Let's go after him. So the king of Syria says to his servants go and see where he is that I may send and get him. And it's reported to the king that Elisha is in a place called Dothan.

Speaker 1:

And listen to what happens next. Listen to what the Bible says next, and I'm reading to you directly from the word of God, 2nd Kings, the 6th chapter, the 14th verse Therefore, he sent horses and chariots and a great army there and they came by night and surrounded the city. Oh, change of war strategy. Now the Bible says the king of Syria sent his horses and his chariots and a great army to the city of Dothan and they reached there by night and they surround the city. It's one man, elisha. But the king of Syria now sends horses and chariots and the Bible refers to it as a great army to capture Elisha. And if it's, if the Bible calls it a great army, it would have been a great army. I can tell you that much.

Speaker 1:

And now Elisha is in Dothan. Dothan is already surrounded in the night by the army of Syria and Elisha had a servant with him. The Bible says, and the Bible says that that morning the servant Arose early and went out of the house. He probably had a routine, he probably had chores he had to start with early in the morning. And the Bible says he with early in the morning. And the Bible says he rose, arose early in the morning and he went out of the house. But when he goes out of the house, he sees that there's an army surrounding the city, a great army with horses and chariots. And the servant goes to Elisha and says alas, master, what shall we do? Alas, master, what shall we do? Of course, this is a scary situation. Picture it, if you like. You get up in the morning to see that you are surrounded by an army, and it's just two of you, it's just two people. So the servant rushes to Elisha and says Lord, alas, master, what shall we do? What are we going to do? We are surrounded by an army, a great army with horses and chariots. What are we going to do? But listen to what happens next, and some of you know this, some of you might not, but listen to this beautiful day.

Speaker 1:

2 Kings 6, 16-17 verse says so he answered. Elisha answered to his servant Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them. Oh, hallelujah, oh, do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them. And the Bible goes on to say and Elisha prayed and said, lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see. And then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, the Bible says and he saw, and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. Hallelujah, oh Hallelujah, don't fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them. A great army, horses and chariots. And Elisha is telling his servant don't worry, those who are with us are more than those who are with them. And the Lord opened the eyes of the servant and the young man saw, oh, hallelujah. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. Oh hallelujah, oh Elisha, oh hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

Oh, elisha knew something. Elisha is so calm, oh, he is so calm, and he just, he just gets up and he prays to the Lord and asked him to open, to open the spiritual eyes of his servant, because in the world that we live in he couldn't see it. But he prays that he opens his eyes, that he may see the reality of the situation that they're in a mountain full of horses and chariots of fire all around elisha. Oh, you have to understand this. Oh, you have to imagine this. Imagine standing at the situation and looking at it and you've got an army in front of you. You've got an army, army actually all around you, not in front of you, a great army with horses and chariots. And then suddenly, army actually all around you, not in front of you, a great army with horses and chariots. And then suddenly your spiritual eyes are open and you see now horses and chariots of fire surrounding that army. Oh hallelujah, all the armies of the Most High are with them. Oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

God sent an army for Elisha. He sent an army for Elisha. Can you believe that? And if you don't believe this, elisha already knew it and he had no doubt. And that's why and my version of this is Elisha's sleeping, probably in the morning, when his servant wakes him and he calmly comes out, wakes him and he calmly comes out and looks and he's like oh, what's this? And his servant is jumping around saying alas, master, what are we going to do? This is it? This is it for us? The entire army has just come for us. And he's like don't fear Lord, just open his eyes, let him just see. Oh Hallelujah, oh, elisha knew it, and he had no doubt.

Speaker 1:

The Bible, in the book of Corinthians 5.7, says for we walk by faith and not by sight. We walk by faith and not by sight. We walk by faith and not by sight. And I can tell you one thing for sure Elisha walked another level of faith in another level of faith, and let me tell you how this situation, or the scenario, actually ended. After his servant sees the armies of the Most High, after his servant sees the horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha, elisha prayed to God to strike the Syrian army with blindness, and the Bible says the army is struck with blindness. And he goes to them and says the person you're looking for is not here. Let me take you to them. And he leads them straight into Samaria, right into the depth of the city, and that's where the army of Israel is. And the king comes running to Elisha and he says shall I kill them? Shall I kill them? Shall I kill them all? But Elisha instead asked the king of Israel to set food and water before them that they may eat and drink, and the king does that. The Bible says he prepares a feast that they may eat and drink, and the king does that? The Bible says he prepares a feast. He not just puts something in front of them with water. The Bible says he prepares a feast and then he lets them eat and drink and he sets them free to go back to the king of Syria. And the Bible says, and I quote After that the Syrians came no more to the land of Israel, oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

But today I want to leave you with this understanding. Believe me in your time. Go back and read this, this beautiful, beautiful chapter, the second, the second book of kings, the sixth chapter. Go ahead and read it for you to understand the story in your own way if you'd like to. But today I want to leave you with this understanding and know God at another level. This morning I just want to leave this seed with you. Into what kind of a plant it grows. I want to tell you this beautiful day. It's on you. I want to tell you this beautiful day. It's on you.

Speaker 1:

Hebrews 13 6 says so. We boldly say Hebrews 13 6. So we may boldly say the Lord is my helper, I will not fear. What can man do to me? Hallelujah, so we may boldly say Hebrews 13 6 the Lord is my helper, I will not fear. What can man do to me? What can man do to me when my help comes from the Lord? Oh, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

Oh, elisha knew and understood that at another level, a man, a king, an army what can it do to me? My help comes from the Lord. Elisha knew it. At another level, elisha knew it, his servant didn't. His servant didn't know it, and that's why he had to ask God to open his spiritual eyes for him to see the truth of the situation.

Speaker 1:

We walk by faith and not by sight. Do you get it this beautiful day? We walk by faith and not by sight. Elisha walked in faith. His servant walked by sight. All he saw was the army of Syria, and what Elisha knew was the armies of the Most High right here.

Speaker 1:

What can man do to me, hallelujah? And do you know it today? Do you understand how God looks at you and your situation? Do you truly understand the depth of how he will help you? Do you understand how much he loves you? Do you know that God will send his army for you if you ever need it? Do you know that?

Speaker 1:

In fact, the Bible says Psalm 91, 11 and 12th verse and listen to this. You listen to this and it'll it'll tell it to you and you understand it this morning. And you let that seed that I'm leaving you with grow into a plant, a huge tree, not a plant, a huge tree that will house all the species of the bird in it. Psalm 91, 11 and 12, for he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways In their hands. They shall bear you up lest you dash your foot against a stone. Hallelujah, you see. Do you see? To keep you in all your ways. You always have an entourage with you. If you don't know that, this scripture tells it to you this beautiful morning. Have an entourage with you.

Speaker 1:

If you don't know that, this scripture tells it to you this beautiful morning an entourage of angels concerning you, concerning you and only you. So you already have them with you. And in case that boat is rocking too hard, oh, he'll send his army. He'll send an army. Don't underestimate him and don't underestimate the way he sees you. And they will keep you in all your ways and everything that you do. He is watching over you to keep you in all your ways, in all your ways, which means he is constantly watching over you, constantly, so much so that you won't even dash your foot against the stone.

Speaker 1:

The Bible says you will not believe it. Hallelujah, and I want to tell you this as well this beautiful morning, this beautiful day. Hebrews 13 8 says Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forevermore. Hallelujah, he's the same yesterday, today and forever more. What he did for Elisha, he will do for you too. Hallelujah, what he did for Elisha, he will do for you too. All you have to do is believe it, just blindly believe it.

Speaker 1:

And today, decide to yourself to walk in another level of faith. Nobody can help you in your faith walk. Nobody can. It's just on you. And that's the reason why, between the 12 disciples, only one of them walked on water right, because Jesus just said come, but only one stepped out of the boat. So that faith walk is on you, to walk in the level of faith that Elisha had. You will say, oh no, he is Elisha and you are you. Elisha had his faith, you have yours, and you will start seeing things happen. You will start seeing things happen for you. You will start seeing things change for you that have never happened before, and why? Only because you've looked at God at another level. You've taken a step of faith this beautiful morning and you take that decision that today I'm going to walk in another level of faith with god. Oh, he will back you up.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah, your lord, I thank you for this beautiful word. I thank you for the double-edged sword that does not, that does not go back until it has achieved what it has been set out for. Lord, I thank you for your beautiful, beautiful presence. That's here, lord. I thank you, lord, for your angels, lord, concerning us. I thank you, lord, that we won't even dash our foot against a stone. You're beautiful, lord, you're awesome, and we thank you, lord, that You're always watching over your Word to perform it. Thank you, lord, for this beautiful time. Thank you for what you did on that cross for us. Thank you, lord, for your mercies that are new every morning. Thank you for the name that's above all names that you have given us freely. Thank you, lord. In Jesus name, I pray amen.