the new Jerusalem

The Vine

June 02, 2024 Subir Joshua Gorey Season 2 Episode 8

Do you ever find yourself in a place in life where you don't want to be? Maybe it's that job, relationship, promotion, opportunity that doesn’t seem to come through.

The good news is that there is something better in store for you. In this week's episode, learn about the importance of remaining in God. When we continue to abide in Him, we can live in the 100 fold blessing of God.

“If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.”

- John‬ ‭15‬:‭7‬-‭8‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

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Speaker 1:

you know, sometimes you wonder why things don't happen in our lives. Sometimes you ponder on why or why not, and why didn't this thing happen for me, or why didn't that go the way I had planned it? And this beautiful day, this beautiful Sunday, I have something wonderful to share with you from the Word of God. And the Bible talks about Jesus walking out of a house and sitting by the sea. And then the Bible says and there were crowds following him everywhere he went. Of course Jesus is on this planet. I would have been part of that crowd. So people run behind him and he sits in a boat and the whole crowd is standing at the shore and he begins to speak with them. He begins to speak with them in parables.

Speaker 1:

Oh, jesus used to love to speak in parables. So he starts to talk to them about a sower who went out to sow and he sowed some seed. And listen to this. This morning some seed fell along the wayside and the birds came and devoured them. So Jesus is talking to the crowds through a parable and he is talking to them about a particular sower and as he sowed, some seed fell along the wayside and the birds came and devoured it, and some seed fell on stony places where there was less soil, and they immediately sprang up and when the sun came up they were scorched and since they had no root, they withered. And then he talks about some seed from the sower that fell among thorns and the thorns sprang up and choked, choked them. But some other seed, jesus says, fell on good ground and it yielded a crop, some hundredfold, some sixty and some thirty and some thirty. And then he ends it with he who has ears to hear, let him hear Hallelujah. So the sower is sowing seed and some falls along the wayside and the birds come and pick it out. Some falls along stony places and when the Sun comes up it gets scorched and withered away. And some fall among thorns and the thorns choke them and they sprang up. And some seed falls on good soil and yields a crop, some hundredfold, some sixty and some thirty.

Speaker 1:

And then later his disciples ask him why do you speak to people in parables? And he goes ahead to explain why, but I am not going to get into that this morning. And then Jesus goes ahead to explain the parable to his disciples. And here this morning, this day, this time, when you are listening to this word, one of the best pieces of wisdom revealed by Jesus for you and me on this planet. And I'm going to the word of God from the book of Matthew, the 13th chapter, the 19th verse onwards.

Speaker 1:

When anyone hears and now this is Jesus explaining the parable to his disciples when anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the wicked one comes and snatches it away, that which was sown in his heart. This is he who receives the seed by the wayside so beautifully explained. There's nothing that I can explain beyond what Jesus said. It's somebody who hears about the word and does not understand it, and the wicked one he has categorically called out the wicked one. There isn't anything else but that guy who comes and snatches it away from the heart and this is the seed that fell along the wayside. And then he goes on to say but he who received the seed on stony places, this is the one who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy. Yet he has no root in himself but endures for a while, for when tribulation or persecution arises because of the word, immediately he stumbles. You know, this happens to us too time to time. Our life here on this planet has its own ups and downs, and that's very normal. But we must ensure that we are constantly in tune with the word of God. Trials, tribulations, persecutions, they will happen in life, but it's important to stick to his word.

Speaker 1:

And then, in the 22nd verse onwards, he goes on to say now, he who received seed among the thorns is he who hears the word, or listen to this? It is he who hears the word, and the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the world and he becomes unfruitful. The cares of the world, your bills to pay, your bills to pay your job, your presentations, your, oh, we all know it. We live our lives daily, but the small worries of life and, most importantly, the deceitfulness of riches, jesus's words, the deceitfulness of riches I'm not saying anything more than that, it is as explanatory as you need it to be and the word gets choked he has used the word choked and he becomes unfruitful. The word of God gets choked and it makes, renders us unfruitful If you are in that place where the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches gets to you. And then he goes on to the 23rd verse and then he says but he, but he who received the word on good ground, oh, hallelujah. The one who is good ground is he who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and produces some a hundred fold, some sixty and some thirty hallelujah. So you see wayside, stony places, thorns and good ground.

Speaker 1:

And I'm telling you this morning, if you're wondering, 30, 60, 100, what is this 30, 60 and 100 fold? Well, let me tell you, jesus walked on water and he called out to the disciples who were in the boat and he said come. But only one stepped out of the boat and that one was Peter and he walked on water. And I want to tell you the multitude of the multiplication that you live in, it depends on you. You have to have that kind of faith. Oh, understand me, this morning, even Jesus said he who has ears let him hear. And hear this this morning the multitude of the multiplication that you live in on this planet depends on you. You have to have that kind of faith. And I want to tell you this morning that if you live your lives on this planet in 30% faith, oh, you are going to operate your lives in 30 fold, blessing of God. And so it goes for 60 and likewise for 100, and I already gave you this example this morning about Peter who walked on water.

Speaker 1:

When Jesus called him, maybe Peter was still new in his relationship with Jesus and he walked on water and when he looked around he sunk. So he lived in hundredfold for a few minutes or seconds it doesn't mention how long in the Bible. But then he went into the water, but he walked on water and to me that's hundredfold. Which man can believe that he can walk on water? Peter did Shadrach, meshach and Abednego had Jesus walk with them in the furnace when the king threw them in. That's hundredfold, o king, we don't care what you have to say or what is your decree, but we will not bow down to that statue and if you throw us in the furnace, our God will save us. Oh, that's hundredfold faith. And you and I know the outcome. Jesus ended up walking in that furnace with them. They came out unharmed. The Bible says even the smell of smoke was not on them. Oh, hallelujah, hallelujah, joshua. He spoke to the sun and he made it stand still in the valley of Agilon. He took it to the next step. He even told the moon not to move in case it decided to do that. That's hundredfold of God on this planet. The Bible even says there never was ever a time that the son heard the voice of a man. Oh, oh, hallelujah, oh, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

The faith that you operate on this planet will define the fold of blessing that you live your life with. It's as simple as that. And, yes, you have to understand that these are stages. The wayside is a stage, or maybe you are in that place, I don't know and I'm not going there, but it's for you to analyze. There's a wayside, there's rocky place, or the one with thorns, or it's good ground and in good ground there are three. Oh, it's good ground and in good ground there are three layers to it. It's 30, 60 and 100. And this morning, if you are wondering why aren't things going my way, or if something's just not gone the way it's supposed to go according to you, this is for you and sit down and figure out which of these zones are you in and if you are not in the right zone, choose to change it and you can go.

Speaker 1:

And you can read Jesus' beautiful parable which he explains to his disciples, from Matthew, the 13th chapter. Go ahead and read it. It's 19th verse onwards and I am coming back the faith that you operate in on this planet. It's 19th verse onwards, and I'm coming back. The faith that you operate in on this planet will define the fold of blessing that you live with on this planet. But I have some good news for you. This morning I'm going to give you a secret which will help you.

Speaker 1:

When Jesus spoke with his disciples, he said this, and I'm reading to you directly from the word of God, from the book of John, the 15th chapter, the fourth verse Abide in me, oh hallelujah, abide in me and I in you, as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine. Neither can you unless you abide in me. Hallelujah, I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me and I in him bears much fruit, for without me you can do nothing, oh hallelujah. Oh, jesus has given you the secret. He has given you and me the secret this morning. Oh, he is the vine and we are the branches, and without him we can do nothing. Without him, we can do nothing. Of course, a tree without its roots cannot survive. A car without any fuel in it does not move. A seedling without water does not sprout into anything. Similarly, you and me without Jesus are nothing.

Speaker 1:

And then he goes out to give even a deeper secret, and this is the meaning of the parable of the sower. In case you're wondering, how do I get there here, it is from John, the 15 chapter, the seventh and eighth verse. If you abide in me and my words abide in you, hallelujah, you will ask what you desire and it shall be done for you. By this my father is glorified. That you bear much fruit, so you will be my disciples. Oh, hallelujah, this is powerful stuff. This is the secret of all secrets. Hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

John, chapter 15, the 7th and 8th verse. If you abide in me, I'm reading it again to you from the word of God If you abide in me and my words abide in you, you will ask what you desire and it shall be done for you. By this my Father is glorified that you bear much fruit. Remember 30, 60, 100, much fruit, and so you will be my disciples. My words abide in you, my words abide in you. His word, his double-edged sword. You don't know where to find His word. Open the Bible. That's His word. His double-edged sword does not go back until it has achieved what it has been set out for Hallelujah, and you ask for whatever you desire, according to the Word of God, and it will be done for you. Hallelujah, jeremiah 17,.

Speaker 1:

The 7th and 8th verse says Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and whose hope is in the Lord, for he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river and it will not fear when the heat comes, but its leaf will be green. The evergreen tree, and will not be anxious in the year of drought Now will cease from yielding fruit. Hallelujah, blessed is the man who puts his trust in the Lord and whose hope is in the Lord. Blessed is the man who puts his trust in the word, whose hope is in the word. In the beginning was the word. The word was with God and the word was God. If you put your trust in God, you have to put your trust in his word and those whose hope is in the word. You will be the evergreen tree, hallelujah. You'll be planted by the waters, the water that flows from the throne of God. It spreads out its roots and you will not flare when the heat comes, because your leaves will always be green and you will not be anxious at the time of drought, nor will you ever cease from yielding fruit.

Speaker 1:

Oh, the powerful word of god that he watches to perform and is telling you this morning. Those who have ears, let let him hear and understand this beautiful word. This morning, you have to know the word of God. You need to know what the word of God says about your situation and only then can you speak his word into your situation and make it move out of the way. Oh, hallelujah, 30, 60 and 100 fold, that's the difference. Jesus is the word. When he said come, peter went and he walked. Can I tell you anything more than that? Hallelujah? But for somebody here this morning, I want to leave you with this, because this is also the Word of God and you cannot just take certain aspects of the word and leave certain aspects out. And if you are wondering and I don't know who you are, but I know this is the question that you are asking yourself but why? But I will tell you why.

Speaker 1:

From the book of john, the 15th chapter, the first and second verse. It says I am the true vine and my father is the vine dresser. Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that bears fruit, he prunes. That it may bear more fruit, oh, hallelujah, jesus is the vine and God is the vine dresser. And if you are in that position today, I am here to tell you that he prunes. And if you are in that position today, I'm here to tell you that he prunes. And, yes, certain things will just be cut out of your life, but why? That you may bear more fruit, oh hallelujah, that you may bear more fruit. Yes, sometimes, when you don't get that answer that you're looking for, that's because he wants you to move from the 30 to the 60, or he wants to move from the 60 to the 100. That's why he's cut it off. Hey, I'm not the one who's written it, I'm just the one who's sharing it with you, the beautiful Word of God. And if you are in that place today, understand that he's giving you something way more than what he's taken away from you. Hallelujah, oh hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

Dear lord, I thank you for your beautiful word, your double-edged sword that does not go back until it has achieved what it has been set out for. I thank you, lord, for your word that's already bearing fruit in people's lives. I thank you, lord, for people who are moving from 30 to 60. I am moving from 60 to 104, lord. I thank you, lord, that people are even moving to a point where their faith has increased in you. Thank you, lord, for what you did on that cross for us, that all your blessings are here in a man, in your name and aligned to us. Thank you for this beautiful time. Thank you for your beautiful presence that's on this platform. I'm in someone's homes. Thank you, jesus. In jesus name, I pray amen.