the new Jerusalem

Conquer Your Giants

July 02, 2024 Subir Joshua Gorey Season 2 Episode 12

What if your greatest battles could be conquered, not by your strength, your skills, your intelligence or your abilities, but instead with unwavering faith?

Join us in this week's episode, as we discover who backs us up when we face our giants in the name of our Lord, Jesus.

“You come to me with a sword, a spear, and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts
- ‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭17‬:‭45‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬

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Speaker 1:

Today I want to tell you about David, king David, the one who God called a man after his own heart, hallelujah. And today I want to take you back to a time when David was just a shepherd boy, and I want to tell you that Samuel was an was an anointed man of God. And so God told Samuel go to a home in Bethlehem, to a man named Jesse, and that God has picked one of his sons to be the king of Israel. And God tells Samuel to fill a horn with oil. Since these were older days, he tells him fill a horn with oil. Since these were older days, he tells him fill a horn with oil that he may anoint his new chosen king. So you see, god now has chosen a new king. I am not getting into why he is unhappy with the current king, whose name is Saul, but he has chosen a new king for Israel. And he tells his, his anointed, whose name is Samuel, that you need to go to Bethlehem, to a family, and their father's name is Jesse, and from them I have picked a king. Wow, and so Samuel, of course, does what God has told him to do when he goes there, and it so happens that the first son comes in and the Bible calls them out and the first son's name is Eliab, and then is Ebinadab, and then is Shamah.

Speaker 1:

And the Bible says that Jesse had eight sons and he makes all seven pass in front of Samuel. In fact, the Bible even says that when Samuel saw Eliab he thought to himself surely this is God's anointed. But at that time God tells Samuel do not look at his appearance or stature, for I have rejected him, for God sees not as man sees. Man looks at outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. Oh hallelujah. So Samuel even thought the first born, the eldest, eliab, will be the chosen one because of the way he looked. But it wasn't. And seven of them passed in front of Samuel but didn't get the nod and Jesse replied I'm sorry. Samuel asked him. He asked Jesse, who is the father of the family, the head of the family? The Lord has not chosen these. And then he asked him are these all your children? And Jesse replies and says there remains a youngest and he is tending sheep. So Samuel calls for him immediately and asks him to be brought. And the Bible, at this point of time, describes David as a ruddy somebody with beautiful eyes and a handsome appearance. What a, what a beautiful description. So David comes into the picture now because Samuel has told him none of your four, seven sons have been picked. Is there anyone else? And he says yes, there is, with standing sheep, he's a shepherd. And he says call for him. And the Bible calls him as a ruddy, somebody with beautiful eyes and a handsome appearance.

Speaker 1:

And the Lord said in 1st Samuel 16, 12, and reading to you from the Word of God, and the Lord said arise, anoint him for this is he? Oh, hallelujah. So the Lord tells Samuel Arise, get up, anoint him with the oil that you have in your horn, that I asked you to carry. This is he. And then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers. Horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers. And the spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David from that day forward, hallelujah. That's 1st Samuel 16, 13 for you, in case you're making notes or you're marking it down. So Samuel anoints him in the midst of his brothers and the Bible says in 1st Samuel 16, 13 the spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David from that day forward, hallelujah. And now I am taking you a little, a little more in time.

Speaker 1:

And it so happens that there is a Philistine army that is challenging Israel and I think some of you know the story, most of you might know it and, of course, the Israelites, under the leadership of King Saul, go to a particular place to halt the advance of the Philistines. And the Bible says now the two armies are camped opposite each other, one on each mountain. And those of you who have a fabulous imagination, go ahead and imagine it while I'm telling it to you from the Bible. Have a fabulous imagination, go ahead and imagine it while I'm telling it to you from the Bible. So they're opposite each other, they're camped opposite each other on two mountains. And the Bible says the Philistine army. And they asked them to send a champion, and whoever loses would give in to the other and be their servant. Simple, let's not have all this bloodshed. Here's our champion, you yours. Let them battle and whoever loses will be the other servant.

Speaker 1:

And the Philistine champion is somebody by the name of Goliath or Goliath, I don't know how it would be pronounced in that time, so I will stick to Goliath. And he was from a place called Gath. The Bible says, and let me tell you, let me tell you, this day, this Philistine was so scary that the Bible says he came morning and evening for 40 days with his challenge and there was no answer to his challenge from the Israelite army. Because they were all scared of Goliath. Wow, every day, morning and evening that's twice in a day for 40 days, he came out and he challenged the Israelite army, to no answer. And let me tell you why they were scared.

Speaker 1:

The Bible calls out Goliath as someone who was six cubits and a span and I actually went to Google because of course these are old measurements to see what is six cubits and a span, and it is nine feet nine inches tall. Wow, almost three meters tall. For those of you who understand meters, he is approximately 9 feet 9 inches tall. He is almost 10 feet tall, or three meters tall, and the Bible says he had a bronze helmet on his head and he wore a scale armor that weighed 5,000 shekels of bronze. Wait for it. His armor alone weighed 80 plus kgs, or 180 pounds, if you understand pounds, and he had bronze greaves, which are what we call as shin guards, and a bronze javelin slung across his shoulder, the head of the spear that he was carrying weighed 7 kilograms or 16 pounds. Wow, this guy must have been scary. No wonder there was no answer to his challenge for 40 days, twice over, every day, no response from the Israelite army. Because they were scared.

Speaker 1:

And the Bible says that David had three elder brothers who had followed Saul into the army and were camped at this mountain and they were the frontline watching this Philistine challenger every day come up in front of them, with no answer from Israel. And Jesse, his father, says David, he sends David one day to go and give his brothers food. And David, of course, I've told you, is a shepherd at this time. He's already anointed. He's already anointed by Samuel. And I told you what the Bible says the Spirit of God came mightily upon him. So, nevertheless, he leaves his flock with a keeper and he goes to give his brothers food. And when he reaches there, he sees this commotion of this Goliath from Gath coming in front of the Israel, the Israelite army, with an open challenge, with no answer from Israel. And this is David's response to what he saw in 1st Samuel 17, 26. For who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should taunt the armies of the living God? Who is he that taunts the armies of the living God? That's David's question. When he first sees this nine, almost ten foot guy standing in front of the Israeli army, hallelujah, oh, david knew something, something, didn't he? Who is this? Who challenges the armies of the living God, is the first thing that he says when he sees it. When he sees Goliath, oh, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

And I will leave all the smaller details out, because there's so much in this beautiful book, it's such a fabulous story and whenever you get some time, maybe you read it in first Samuel, the 17th chapter. You can read the whole chapter if you like and King Saul gets to, gets to hear about what David has said and he calls for him. And David, of course, is in this zone let me call it this zone where he's like I'm taking this guy on, who is he? Hallelujah. So the king makes him put on armor, he makes him carry a shield and he gives him a sword and he gives him a spear and he puts on an armor on top of him. But since David is just a shepherd, he's not used to armor, he's not used to all this, so he just takes it off, he just takes it all off and he tells the king. I have not tested this so I'm not comfortable with it. I'm giving this to you in my language, in our language of this age and these times.

Speaker 1:

And the Bible says he takes in his hand a stick. He's a shepherd boy, and that's all he knows. He takes a stick and he chooses five smooth stones from the brook nearby and he puts it in his shepherd's pouch Shepherds might have had a small little pouch, I guess and he takes a sling in his hand and he approaches Goliath oh, one stick, one sling, five smooth stones from the brook. The Bible says that he chose. And when Goliath sees a young, ruddy youth in front of him, 1 Samuel 17, 43 says of him 1st Samuel 17 43 says the Philistine said to David am I a dog that you come to me with sticks?

Speaker 1:

And the Philistine cursed David by his gods. And then David said to the Philistine oh, and listen to this. And then David said to the Philistine the 9.9 foot giant standing in front of him you come to me with sword, a spear and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of armies of Israel. You have taunted, oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah, the shepherd boy who's standing in front of a nine and a half foot warrior and he's just a boy with a stick and a sling and five stones stands in front of this warrior and he says you come to me with a sword, a spear and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, who you have taunted. Oh, how dare you taunt? Hallelujah, oh, hallelujah. Oh, look, dare you taunt? Hallelujah, oh, hallelujah. Oh, look at his attitude. That's what I want to show you this morning.

Speaker 1:

In the beginning of when I started, I told you God says no, it's not this son. I don't look at the outward appearance, I look at the heart. I'm not a man and I choose David. He's a shepherd. And look at the heart of David. Who are you? You come to me with things of the world. I come to you in the name of the Lord, oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah. And then he says today, the Lord will deliver you into my hands and I will strike you down. What, oh hallelujah? What kind of confidence is this? Wow, it's amazing. He's just a shepherd.

Speaker 1:

When you do get some time, you should read the story, understand it at your own level. What kind of confidence is this? David is looking at an almost 10 foot giant, a war-hardened battle veteran, an intimidating warrior standing in front of him, and he knows and he understands. You come to me with whatever. You come to me with whatever. You come to me with whatever. I come to you in the name of the Lord. I come to you in the name of the Lord. Oh, what confidence. Oh, what confidence. Oh, hallelujah, I'm going to push you a little today and ask you how do you look at your situations today?

Speaker 1:

Maybe you need to think about this. How do you look at your Goliaths in life? How do you look at the mountains that come in front of you? How do you like the Israelites? I don't know. I'm asking Like the Israelites who sat there for 40 days every morning and every evening, taking a challenge with fear and sitting there and running away from it hey, it's in the Bible. For 40 days they just sat there and looked at the giant in front of them and feared and sat. An entire army just sat, and a shepherd boy from the same country one shepherd boy, not a soldier saw things very differently. So do you look at your problems like the Israelites? Or do you look at it like David, a shepherd who, as I said, wasn't even a soldier, but who had the attitude he knew something right and he had the attitude.

Speaker 1:

Who are you? Who are you? Who are you to challenge me? Challenge the son or the daughter of the most high, challenge the child of the Most High. You challenge me, me who has been purchased by the blood of the Lamb. You are challenging me. You come to me with the things of the world. You come to me with spear and javelin and shield and sword, and I come to you bearing the name of the Lord. You bear the name of the Lord. I come to you in the name of Jesus. Oh Hallelujah, who are you? How dare you even think you can challenge me? Oh hallelujah, david knew that, didn't he? Of course, he knew it and he was just a shepherd. And you are, are not, not no shepherd, you are someone who has been purchased by the blood of the lamb. That's you, that's yours and generations after David was on this planet. And I am telling you this morning, and it's for me as well, that you, I us, we have been purchased by the blood of the Most High.

Speaker 1:

And then David says to Goliath and I'm going back to the story today Listen to this, listen to this Before this. It just talks about the verse before this. Well, the Bible says that the presence came mightily upon David, god's presence, god's Spirit, and I want to tell you he says it at this time today, to Goliath today, the birds of the sky, the beasts of the earth and all of the earth will know that there is a God in Israel, that they may know that the Lord does not deliver with spear or sword, for the battle is the Lord's. Oh, hallelujah, do you get it? Oh, you better get it. This morning and this beautiful day Today, the birds in the sky, the beasts of the field and everything on the earth will know that God is in Israel. God is in you, you are as Israel, and God does not deliver with a sword and a spear, for the battle is the Lord's. He will give you into my hands, oh, hallelujah, hallelujah. I love the confidence of David. There's a reason why he was a shepherd who became the king of Israel, and here's the reason why you see it in this beautiful book. He will give you into my hands.

Speaker 1:

And Goliath got enraged. Oh, he got enraged. He must have lost his mind. And in case you didn't know how this ends, let me tell you David struck Goliath with one stone from his bag, with his sling, one stone, and the Bible says the stone sunk into the forehead of Goliath and he fell to the ground and David stood over him and killed him and beheaded him.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah, your situation is nothing in the sight of God. Your challenge is nothing in the one whose earth is his footstool. It's nothing. And if you are someone who looks at your problems, that come your way. If you are someone who looks at it like the Israelites did change it, because I can't change it for you and look at things like how David did, and you should know who backs you up. You should know it is Jesus who is always at your right hand. The Bible says he is always at your right hand. The Bible says he is always at your right hand and nothing shall move you. Amen, nothing shall move you. Oh, david knew it.

Speaker 1:

You come to me with spear, sword and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord, and David probably didn't even have a name to use. Oh, you and I have the name. That's above all names. Oh, you come to me with spear and sword, but I come to you in the name of the Lord. I come to you in the name of Yeshua. I come to you in the name of Jesus. I come to you with the name El Shaddai. I come to you with the name El Shaddai. I come to you with the name I am. I come to you with the name the Alpha and the Omega. Who are you and how dare you even come to challenge me?

Speaker 1:

Oh, hallelujah, dear Lord, I thank you for this beautiful word. I thank you for your double edged sword. I thank you for your presence, that'sged sword. I thank you for your presence that's filling people's homes. It's filling everyone who's listening. It'll fill everyone who hears it after this Hallelujah, lord. I thank you, lord, for what you have done on that cross for us. I thank you, lord, that you have freely given us your name. I thank you, lord, that the birds of the air, the beasts of the field and the whole earth will know today that you are at our right hand for the ones who have been purchased by that precious blood of your beautiful lamb. I thank you, jesus, for your beautiful presence. I thank you, lord, you for your beautiful presence. I thank you, lord. You're the Lion of the tribe of Judah and we leave everything at your feet. Lord, this battle does not belong to us. This battle is yours and you will take it. Thank you, lord. In Jesus' name, I pray Amen.