the new Jerusalem

Step Into God's Abundance

July 23, 2024 Subir Joshua Gorey Season 2 Episode 14

If you feel like you have been away from God, disconnected from Him and His promises, know that He has not forgotten about you. He is waiting for you to turn back to Him. 

This week's episode takes us through what happens when we choose to go back to Him. God leaves the ninety nine on the mountain side and comes after us, He rejoices over us. There is a promise of abundance and overflow that awaits us when we turn back to God.

“The Lord will answer and say to His people, “Behold, I am going to send you grain, new wine and oil, And you will be satisfied in full with them; And I will never again make you a reproach among the nations.”
- Joel‬ ‭2‬:‭19‬

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Speaker 1:

Today, I want to start by telling you that God loves you. Jesus loves you, and this is for someone who is listening today. Whatever path that you might have gone to, or wherever it is that you are at this moment, for whatever reason, it doesn't matter to God. It doesn't matter to Him. He is waiting for you and he will welcome you with open arms because he loves you. You might have forgotten about him, you might have gotten busy with life and, as I said, maybe some situation has turned you away from him or gotten you busy or gotten you distracted, but I want to tell you this morning that he is waiting for you and he will welcome you with open arms because he loves you. And if you are this person, and this is for you I know all of us have been at this point in life and this is for you. I know all of us have been at this point in life sometime or the other and this is for you. And I will tell you that Jesus is in the city of Capernaum and he's with his disciples and his disciples are asking multiple questions and it's basically this time when they have one-on-one time with each other and they're asking him questions and they're seeking answers from Jesus. And I've told you, jesus always spoke most of the times in parables. And then he's to explain those parables to his disciples. And then jesus starts to say in matthew, the 18th chapter, 12th verse while he's talking to his disciples, he decides to tell this to them.

Speaker 1:

Matthew, the 18th chapter, the 12th verse. What do you think? Matthew, 18, chapter, 12, verse, what do you think? If any man has a hundred sheep and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go and search for that one that is straying? Oh hallelujah, and I said this is for someone this morning. And then he goes on to say in the 13th and the 14th verse and if it turns out that he finds it, he's talking about the sheep that has gone astray. And if it turns out that he finds it, truly I say to you he rejoices over it more. He rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine which have not gone astray. So it is not the will of your Father, who is in heaven, that even one of these little ones perish.

Speaker 1:

Oh Hallelujah, oh Hallelujah. I am here to give you good news this morning. I want to tell you he will never leave you nor forsake you. Oh, he will leave the 99 On the hills and he will go after the 1 and he rejoices over you when you turn back to him, because there is a secret in, if it turns out that he finds it. There is a secret there. If he turns out that he finds it, that means the shepherd needs you To go looking for him. When you go looking for him, he will find you, hallelujah, and he rejoices over you when you turn back. And it's not in his plan for you to perish.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, don't get that, don't be under that misconception. Most of the times when something happens, we as human beings turn around and say why is God doing this to me? He's not doing this to you. It's in his word and you can mark it from Matthew 18, 14. For it is not in the father's will for even one of these little ones to perish. It's not in his will, so this is not his plan.

Speaker 1:

There are multiple other things which I won't get into today, but you have to make a choice to turn to jesus and then, and then, and then he will find you. Oh, hallelujah, he'll leave everything and he will come for you. Oh, he will come down from heaven on the clouds and he will snuff out anything that's in the way, just to pick you up. Oh, hallelujah, hallelujah. And I want to tell you, when you turn to jesus, leave everything at his feet, leave everything at his feet. And I'm excited to tell you this morning that there is a prophecy for all of us this morning who turn to jesus, and this prophecy is for everyone today, from the word of god and I'm getting straight into it and I prophesy from the book of joel, the second chapter, the 19th verse, the book of Joel, the second chapter of the 19th verse, the Lord will answer and say to his people behold, I'm going to send you rain, I'm going to send you grain, new wine and oil, and you will be satisfied in full with them and I will never again make you a reproach among the nations. Amen. God is saying to you today and this morning that he is going to send you grain and new wine and oil, grain and new wine and oil, and you will be satisfied in full with them. Grain, wine and oil, I want to tell they all signify prosperity, they all signify wealth and he is sending prosperity your way this morning and this beautiful day. That is what is released from the book of Joel and you will be satisfied in full with it. He is going to give you more than you need, more than enough for hallelujah, hallelujah, and I will never again make you a reproach among the nations, which means God will turn his favor upon you. Oh, hallelujah, amen, amen. And Joel 2, 20. The next verse goes on to say but I will remove and you should really go down in your bibles and mark this out. If you're using a, an app, you can go ahead and bookmark it if you'd like.

Speaker 1:

Joel, the second chapter, the 19th verse onwards. And the 20th verse says but I will remove the northern army from you. I'm sorry, I stand corrected, but I will remove the northern army, far from you. Oh, hallelujah, and I will drive it into a parched and desolate land, and its vanguard into the eastern sea and its rear guard into the Western Sea. Oh, hallelujah, oh hallelujah. The Lord will destroy your enemies from your midst. The Lord will destroy your enemies from your midst. He will wipe them out clean. Oh, in case you didn't know what's a vanguard and what's a rearguard a vanguard is a party that goes ahead and the rearguard is a party that comes after the main army, just to clear up what's left. And he's telling you this morning, he will remove the northern army. Far from you, far away from you. He's going to wipe it out clean. In fact, the people who come before it he will wipe out to the east and the people who come after it, he will wipe out to the west. Oh, hallelujah, don't miss it. We are an enemy. Stand no chance with you. The Lord stands before you. Hallelujah, oh Hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

The 21st verse says do not fear O land, rejoice and be glad, for the Lord has done great things. Rejoice and be glad, for the Lord has done great things. Do not fear anything. People of the most high, you have been purchased by a heavy, heavy price the blood of the lamb. You have been purchased by his blood. And don't for once even think that you are not important to God. You have been purchased by His blood. And don't for once even think that you are not important to God. And he's telling you this morning do not fear, whatever situation you might be in. Do not fear, rejoice and be glad, for the Lord has done great things. He's already set them in motion. Hallelujah, he's turned his favor upon you.

Speaker 1:

The 22nd verse goes on to say Do not fear beasts of the field, for the pastures of the wilderness have turned green, for the tree has borne its fruit, the fig tree and the vine have yielded in full. Oh, a man, or the bible says. The bible says there's a time to sow and there's a time to reap. And god is calling out a reap in your life this morning. He's calling out fabulous reaping in your life this morning, oh, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

And I want to tell you the 22nd verse says that even the wilderness let me tell you what's a wilderness. The wilderness is the uninhabited. It's uncultivable land, it's a place where you can't do anything. And he's telling you this morning, he's turning them into pastures. He will turn them green for you, things that cannot be cultivated and cannot be inhabited by anyone. He's turning it into a pasture for you, oh hallelujah, for the pastures of the wilderness have been turned green, oh amen. They will spring out pastures for you and they will be turned green for you. Not just any kind of pastures, not just a little bit of shrubs and a few trees here and there. It's a pasture. A pasture is a place where cattle can feed in plenty and to their full hallelujah, for the tree has borne its fruit, the fig tree and the vine have yielded in full. Everything that you do will be fruitful, everything that you step into will see growth and prosperity. Amen, hallelujah, oh hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

The 23rd verse goes on to say so rejoice, o sons of Zion, rejoice and be glad in the Lord, your God, for he has given you the early rain for your vindication and he has poured down for you the rain, the early and the latter rain. Oh Hallelujah, oh Hallelujah, oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah, oh God will send rain down upon you, beautiful rain from heaven, timely and seasonal, that you will have your harvest in full. And in case you didn't know, just in case you didn't know, the importance of the rain on our daily lives, on everything that you put on your plate three times a day, if you eat three meals a day, it's all dependent on the rain that need to grow. And this morning, from Joel 2, 23, the Lord is telling you go and rejoice, because he has given you rain for your vindication, which is for your redemption, for you to stand with your head held high because he is your redeemer. Early and latter rain. Oh a man, timely, precise. Oh, when god is in it. There's no, it's just perfect. And, in case you didn't know, excessive rain can destroy crops. Less rain can also destroy crops. Perfect rain from the most high from heaven, the early and the latter rain, amen, hallelujah. That you may be in harvest all the time and complete in your harvest and anything that you do.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah, the threshing floors 24, joel 2, 24. The threshing floors will be full of grain, oh amen. The vats will overflow with new wine and oil, amen. Oh, I want to tell you what it means. You will always be bountiful and never lack anything. Amen, hallelujah. Your threshing flows will be full of grain and your vats will overflow with new wine and oil. Threshing flow and vats signify harvest and storage. Harvest and storage, oh hallelujah. Your harvest will be plentiful. You will be full of grain, oh hallelujah, and your storages will be overflowing with new wine and oil. New wine and oil, oh hallelujah. Oh, don't miss it. Your bank balances are going to overflow. Your investments are going to overflow. There are new things that are going to pop up and you will be like where has this even come from? Oh, the Redeemer, the Most High, has released his prophecy on you this morning. Hallelujah, your bank balances, your investments, they will multiply. Amen, amen.

Speaker 1:

The 25th verse goes on to say and then I will make up to you for the years that the swarming locusts have eaten the creeping locusts, the stripping locusts and the gnawing locusts, my great army, which I send among you. No, yeah, we have times. I don't know about you, but I know, I've seen that time. That time when things are low, when you can't understand what's going on and things are getting stripped of you, things are going away from you, things are getting destroyed from corners and you don't get it. You don't get why things are not going your way, or why this is not happening, or why that isn't happening, why your job isn't going right, why your pay scale isn't the way it's supposed to be, why your bank balance is not how you want it to be, why you didn't get that particular thing that you wanted.

Speaker 1:

The locusts that God is deferring to this morning, the swarming locusts, the creeping locusts, the stripping locusts, the gnawing locusts, whatever kind of destruction you might have faced, locus, the gnawing locus, whatever kind of destruction you might have faced, the Lord is telling you this morning I will make up to you the years, oh, hallelujah, oh, hallelujah, oh, hallelujah, oh, he will make up for you the years that you have lost owing to destruction or decay and loss, whatever it might have been. The lord, your god, the most high, the great. I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. The name that is above all names is telling you this morning that he will make up those years for you, amen, or he will make up those yours for you, amen. And 26,. Joel 2, 26 says and you will have plenty to eat and you will be satisfied and you will praise the name of the Lord who has dealt wondrously with you. And then my people will never be put to shame. Never be put to shame, oh, hallelujah. What a beautiful passage of scripture. You will have plenty to eat and you will be satisfied. You will never lack anything and you will have in plenty. You will never be put to shame.

Speaker 1:

The Lord is telling you this morning, and believe it, god is going to deal with you and with your situations in a wondrous manner, according to Joel 2.26. Hallelujah, and you will remember and know and praise the name of the Lord. Hallelujah, oh, you will remember and you will remember and know and praise the name of the Lord. Hallelujah, oh, you will remember and you will know, hallelujah, the 27th verse. And he is telling you this morning and note it. Thus you will know. Thus you will know that I am in the midst of Israel, hallelujah, some of you are feeling the presence of God. And you will know, you will know that I am in the midst of Israel, oh, he is in your midst, and that I am the Lord, your God, and there is no other. And yet again, he is saying to you and me will never be put to shame. Oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah. This is so powerful. Thus you will know. Thus you will know, after all these blessings, that he's released on you, this beautiful and wondrous day that he has chosen to deal with you in his beautiful love, and wondrous day that he has chosen to deal with you in his beautiful love. He is telling you this morning, because of all these blessings, from 19 all the way down to 26, and I've told you, mark them down and go ahead and read it when you can, or meditate on it and believe it. And he then says thus, you will know, thus, when you see all this coming to life, you will know that I am in your midst, oh, he is in your midst. The Bible says he's always at your right hand, that I am the Lord, your God, he's your God, he's your father and there is no other. And my people will never be put to shame. Oh hallelujah, you will know, from this day on, you can go and you can mark your calendars down. You can mark your calendars down.

Speaker 1:

Today is the 21st of July of the year 2024. Mark it down and you will remember the scripture, because you will see Joel 2, 19 onwards coming to life for you, and you will know, from this day on that Jesus is at your right hand. You are the child of the most high. You are handpicked and chosen by God. In case you didn't know, there are scriptures for it and I am not going to get into that this morning. You are handpicked and chosen by God. The Bible says he is our glory, our Redeemer and the lifter of our head, and you will never be put to shame. You will never be put to shame. Oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, lord, for your beautiful presence that's on this platform. Thank you, lord, for your beautiful presence that's on this platform. Thank you, lord, for your beautiful prophecy from the book of Joel, the second chapter, the 19th verse onwards, all the way down to the 27th, that you are watching over your word to perform. I thank you, lord. I thank you that your people will know that you are in their midst when they see all these blessings come to life in all areas of their life. I thank you, lord, that you have reversed the years that the locusts have eaten. You have stepped into that situation, lord, and you've turned the wilderness, the wilderness situations, into green pastures. Lord, I thank you for your wonderful prophecy that is yea and amen in your blood and in your name, the name above all names, where every knee will bow on the earth, above the earth and below the earth. Thank you, jesus, holy, holy, holy Lord, god Almighty, who was and is and is to come. Holy, holy, holy Lord, god Almighty, who was and is and is to come, amen.