the new Jerusalem

God's Plan

Subir Joshua Gorey Season 2 Episode 18

Ever find yourself wondering, "How did I get here?" or "How do I get out of this situation?”
Wherever you are today, know that God loves you, and He has a plan for you.

This week's episode is here to remind you that God's hand is always at work, guiding and protecting us, no matter where we find ourselves.

“For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.”
- Jeremiah‬ ‭29‬:‭11‬

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Speaker 1:

This beautiful day. I want to tell you that God loves you, and I also want to tell you that he is completely in control. Now you might think that he is not and you might think that maybe something has surpassed him or it's gone past his overlooking, but no, you're wrong. He's in control of everything. He's in complete control of everything. In fact, I want to tell you that the Bible says that the waves don't overstep the lines that he has set for them. Oh, hallelujah. The waves don't overstep the lines that he has set for them. Oh, hallelujah, hallelujah. You can go back to your imagination and think of every possible beach that's there on this planet. And the Bible says that the waves do not overstep the boundary that he has set for them, oh, hallelujah. So, yeah, get it this morning and get it this beautiful day that he is completely in control.

Speaker 1:

And there are times when things might not be going as per the way that you planned it, or maybe you know the way that you planned it, or maybe you know the way that you thought it would go. Yeah, there are times like that for all of us, and this is for somebody in particular today. You're at that point in life and you don't know why that you're there, or you're wondering how come you are there. But if you have a deep relationship with God, and then there is all the more the reason why you ask yourself that question that why am I at this point? Maybe you don't have the answer, maybe you don't know why you are there, maybe you are at a very low point, maybe you've been seeking an answer but not been getting it for a while and you don't know why. You are at this juncture where you're at right now. And, as I said, if you have a deeper relationship with God, you might ask yourself this question even more. And here is the answer in the words of Jesus, spoken by Jesus when he was on this planet. And pay attention to this, and this is the answer for you.

Speaker 1:

In John, the third chapter, the eighth verse, jesus says the wind blows where it wishes. Now listen to this. The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but you cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit, oh hallelujah. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit, oh hallelujah, oh Hallelujah. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit, oh Hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

I am just here to tell you that he is in control and you need to be patient. The Bible says he goes before you and makes every crooked path straight. So, whatever situation that you're in, understand that. You might not understand it, but God knows that you are there and don't even for a minute think that you're gone out of the plan. We do go out of the plan sometimes, but no matter where you're at, the earth is his footstool and every place is under his command and his control. And, as I said when I began, he is in complete control of every situation and he will show you in some time why you are where you are. He will.

Speaker 1:

I want to tell you that Elijah was led by the spirit and he was sent into the mountains to hide from Jezebel, and let me tell you that he was the only only living prophet at the time. All the other prophets of God have been. I've been put to death and Elijah is the only prophet of God who's alive. And God tells him get up and leave this place, and he has to leave the place because he's running now from this person by the name of Jezebel and the Bible says God fed him bread and water through an angel because he had a very long journey to take. And God moves Elijah from place to place, the one living prophet who has not been put to the sword. In fact, there's a time when Elijah even gives up and says Lord, just give me to Jezebel. Can you imagine that? Yeah, read the Bible, it's there. But anyway, god is moving Elijah from place to place, from city to city, from mountain to cave, hiding from people, and then God shows his glory to all of Israel through Elijah, the one prophet left on this planet.

Speaker 1:

And I must tell you this because some of you might not know this story. I must tell you this you know when God is moving him from place to place throughout the Bible, when he, when he goes to Elijah, he asked him Elijah, what are you doing here? Oh, hallelujah, the last day has the same answer every time Lord, I'm zealous for you and I'm the only one who stands here, as your people have forgotten you. I am here to remind them that you exist. And every time God goes to him and he says Elijah, what are you doing here, when he has taken Elijah to that point? Oh, hallelujah, oh Elijah, what are you doing here, elijah, hallelujah. And every time, elijah has the same answer Lord, I'm zealous for you. Everyone has forgotten you, and I am here to remind them that you exist, the one and only prophet of God who was left alive and kept alive by God. Please note and see the irony of it. Every time he is moving him from one mountain to another, he goes and he wakes him up and he says Elijah, what are you doing here? Oh, hallelujah, and the same answer every time. Oh, elijah was someone else, wasn't he? And I want to tell you that Elijah?

Speaker 1:

God showed his glory through through Elijah, to the whole of Israel, to 450 prophets of Asherah and 400 prophets of Baal, by bringing down fire from heaven in front of them. All Kept alive for a reason, but Elijah staggered, not at the promise of God. He staggered not, even though every time, god woke him up with his voice and said what are you doing here? Never once did he say Lord, what are you asking me? What am I doing here? You brought me here. Never once did he answer that. What are you asking me what am I doing here? You brought me here. Never once did he answer that. In fact, I've told you this. There was a time when he wanted to give up his life. He even tells God Lord, just turn me, turn me to Jezebel, just let my life go. Oh. But no, god had a plan. God had a plan that he'll remind an entire nation through this one man that he exists, oh, hallelujah. And I want to tell you that Elijah, in fact, was taken up into heaven alive.

Speaker 1:

The Bible says he crosses the Jordan and there's a chariot of fire and horses of fire that come and take him up. And I want to tell you God had a plan for Elijah. He had a purpose for Elijah. Hallelujah, hallelujah. Elijah blindly followed the spirit of God and the directions that God gave him. Never once he asked a question, he just did as he was told, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

So, wherever you are today, whatever point you are at, don't get impatient or don't get nervous about it. Remember, god knows every step that he has planned for you. He knows everything that he has planned for you, as I have. 49 says that he has you inscribed on the palms of his hands oh, hallelujah. I was reading this yesterday. And it doesn't say palm, it says palms, oh, hallelujah, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

And for those of you who know, and some of you don't, jeremiah 29, 11 says for he knows plans he has for for. He knows the plans he has for you, he knows the thoughts he thinks towards you, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a hope and a future. He just has a different way of doing things and you and I might not understand it, and you know what he's God. He likes to do things in a spectacular way sometimes. He likes to do things his, his way and His ways are far above our ways, far above our thought or our dominion, or even what science can put together. He's far above it all and he just sometimes wants to do things in a spectacular way for you. So hold on.

Speaker 1:

And I want to share today with you a story from the Old Testament. And it's fortified. The Bible says the entire city was fortified, with a huge wall around it. And listen to this. And the Bible even says that Jericho was shut for many days because they knew the Israelites were there and they were moving from place to place taking it. So Jericho is shut, the city is closed, the walls are shut, and the Bible says the Lord says to Joshua see, I have given the city of Jericho into your hand, oh, hallelujah. The Lord says to Joshua see, I have given the city of Jericho into your hand, the king and the mighty men of valor, oh, hallelujah. And I won't tell you, I told you about Elijah. He never questioned you know what.

Speaker 1:

In this passage of scripture, joshua doesn't question at all what, lord, look at the city, look at the walls. How are we going to do this? No, no, no questions asked. And I'm reading it to you directly from the word of God, from the book of Joshua, the sixth chapter, the third to the fifth verse. And God is telling Joshua what to do. And listen to this. This is beautiful. You shall march around the city, all you, men of war. You shall go around the city once. This you shall do for six days, and seven priests shall bear seven trumpets of rams horns before the ark. But the seventh day you shall march around the city seven times and the priests shall blow the trumpets. It shall come to pass when they make a long blast with the ram's horn and when you hear the sound of the trumpet that all the people shall shout with a great shout down flat, and the people shall go up, every man straight before him. Oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

Jericho is a fortified city and it's known. Jericho is a known city for not being, for being in an impenetrable because of the wall. And here God has just told Joshua what to do. He's just told him. You know what walk around the city once every day. You walk around the walls of Jericho, make one round of the city, your men with arms in the front, seven priests with seven, with seven ram's horn, with the Ark of the Covenant at the back, and just walk around the city once Every day For six days. And on the seventh, walk around the city seven times. And when the priests blow the trumpet and their horns, everyone Must shout and the city walls will come down Flat. God says Hallelujah, and you know what? That's exactly what happened. And Joshua, in fact Joshua, tells the people that every day, don't make a sound, just walk around the city and I will tell you when to make the sound. And on the seventh day, the Bible says they wake up early and he gives them clear instructions that we will walk around seven times and when the horn and the trumpets sound after the seventh circle of the city. We must all shout, for the Lord has given us the city. Oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah. And you know what? The walls came down flat, just as God had promised Joshua. Hallelujah, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

God just does things differently sometimes and you might not understand it. I might not understand it, the people you go to to seek advice might not understand it for sure. But I'm here to tell you this morning that don't think that he's not in control. He knows everything that's happening with you Because he has you inscribed on the palms of his hand. So, hallelujah, I will never leave you nor forsake you.

Speaker 1:

The Bible says he knows exactly where you're at, but you just have to leave it to him, just like Elijah did and just like Joshua did. Just leave it to him. You are more than a conqueror to him. You are more than a conqueror in Christ. You're more than a conqueror in in Jesus. And you know what. Elijah and Joshua didn't even get to see Jesus or hear about his name, but you and I have the name. That's above all names.

Speaker 1:

And I'm just here to tell you this morning that, yeah, I know it's difficult and you might not understand it, but he is in complete control and by the Bible, in Hebrews 12 2 and this is for someone here look unto Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith. Whatever situation you're in, just look to Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith. Whatever situation you're in, just look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Hallelujah. And this is for somebody here. Also.

Speaker 1:

Proverbs 16 9 says a man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. Oh, hallelujah. And whatever point you're at today in life, just understand he's fully in control. And you might have planned things differently for yourself, but the Bible also says he knows the plans he has for you to prosper you and not to harm you, and plans with the hope of the future, and he will never leave you nor forsake you.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah, dear Lord, I thank you for this beautiful word. Thank you, lord, for your beautiful presence here. Lord, I thank you that you're filling people's homes. I thank you that people can feel you. Lord. I thank you, lord, for what you did on that cross for us. I thank you, lord, for your name, that's, above all names, where every knee will bow on the earth, above the earth and below the earth. And I thank you, lord.

Speaker 1:

This beautiful morning, we look to you, we look to your name. We come to your feet, the author and the finisher of our faith. The great I am, the great. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, yeshua, and we leave everything at your feet, lord. Lord, you take complete control. Thank you for what you did on that cross for us, lord, you are the victorious one, and you will bring every situation to victory in our lives. Thank you for your beautiful presence. Thank you for your love, thank you for your grace. Thank you, lord, that you've inscribed us on the palms of your hand. You know us by our name. You know us before we were in the womb, lord. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus name, I pray amen. Thank you.