the new Jerusalem

Confidence In God

September 01, 2024 Subir Joshua Gorey Season 2 Episode 19

What do you do when you face circumstances that are full of uncertainty? 

This week's episode teaches us how we need to have confidence in God's plan for us, that He will come through no matter what.
Jesus is the rock upon which we can lean on.

“Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.”
- Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭37‬

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Speaker 1:

Hallelujah, hallelujah, this beautiful morning I want to get straight into the word of God and I want to share something with you from this beautiful book of Daniel. And I want to tell you the book of Daniel talks about Daniel and his three friends, shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. And you know, just in case you didn't know, and you know just in case you didn't know, daniel and all these three friends of his had different names in this book. Excuse me, but that's not important. So the book of Daniel talks about Daniel and his three friends, shadrach, meshach and Abednego. And the book starts with the reign of a king called Jehoiakim, and then it goes on to the reign of a king called Nebuchadnezzar, and then to another king who is his son, called Belshazzar, nebuchadnezzar's son, and then it goes on to a fourth king called King Darius, or Darius, whatever you like to call him. And I want to tell you that it's a beautiful book. You should read it sometime. And the book of Daniel, in the first chapter, the 17th verse, says and you have to pay attention to this and for these four young men, god gave them knowledge and skill in all literature and wisdom, and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams. Oh, hallelujah, four kings through this book of Daniel. And the Bible says in the very first chapter that, as for these young four men, four young men God gave them knowledge and skill in all literature and wisdom God just gave it. And Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams. Wow, hallelujah, god's gift to these four young men. And the book continues to talk about Daniel having favor in all the chiefs that the kings had set above him. And in fact the Bible even talks about Daniel having favor amongst all the chiefs that was set, amongst all four of them, or above all of them. And, as I read the Bible says, in all matters of wisdom and understanding. Let me tell you what the Bible says Daniel was found to be 10 times better than everyone in the realm. Oh hallelujah, Wow, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

And now it goes on to, as I said, it starts off with a particular king and there's a very short reign that he has, and then it goes on to king nebuchadnezzar and the book of daniel in the bible, so goes on to say that he has a dream and the dream makes him feel very uneasy and he doesn't know anything about the dream and he wants someone to tell him about the dream that he has had, which he doesn't remember, and he wants somebody to interpret it, just because it made him very uncomfortable. Wow, what a situation. The king has a dream which makes him uncomfortable and uneasy and he doesn't remember anything about the dream, but he wants somebody to tell him about his dream. And at the same time, he took the dream, but wait. And he calls on all his people and all his wise men, and they might be having multiple types of people at those times who used and you know, they might be having multiple types of people at those times who used to try whatever they could to survive. And the bible says that no one in the land could decipher the dream and Daniel is the only one who can interpret the dream to the last detail, oh hallelujah. And the Bible says that Daniel gets the promotion to become the head of Babylon and all the chiefs.

Speaker 1:

So now the book starts initially with Daniel having favor amongst the chiefs, and now the Bible says that Daniel has made the head and, above all, the chiefs, oh hallelujah. And then the Bible talks about how Nebuchadnezzar sets an image of gold and sets a mandate that everyone has to bow before it, and Daniel's friends Shadrach, meshach and Abednego do not bow to the statue of gold, and we all know how that story goes. And in case you don't know how that story goes, I'm just going to give you a small little glimpse, because that's not what I want to talk about today. But anyway, shadrach, meshach and Abednego don't bow down to that statue. And of course the king gets to know and he's enraged and there's a decree that he will throw anyone into the furnace. And he's enraged and he confronts them and Shadrach, meshach and Abednego say yeah, we didn't bow down and we won't because our God will save us from you. And then he throws them into the furnace and the Bible says the king is sitting opposite the furnace and he's looking and he says look, didn't we throw in three? Didn't we throw in three? Shadrach, meshach and Abednego, didn't we throw in three? Look, there is a fourth. Oh, hallelujah, look there's a fourth. And the fourth is like the son of God. Oh, hallelujah, look there's a fourth. And the fourth is like the son of God. Oh, hallelujah, oh hallelujah. Jesus comes down to save Shadrach, meshach and Abednego because of their faith in the fact that we don't care what the land rules are, we will not bow down to your God and our God will come and save us. And even if he does not come to save us, we will still not bow down to you and your God that you have set before us. O King, hallelujah. And you know what O Jesus did come down to save them from that furnace. And that's how that story ends.

Speaker 1:

And this morning I want to share with you a story from the time of King Darius, or King Darius, who was reigning at that time, after Nebuchadnezzar's son sat on the throne and God got angry with him. And then the region is given over to a Midian king whose name is King Darius or Darius, and the Bible says Daniel had an excellent spirit in him and hence King Darius set him at the highest position above all the realm, and yet again the administrators, chiefs and satraps were jealous of him. So you see, daniel keeps finding favor, jeho Kim the first king, nebuchadnezzar, the second king, and in Nebuchadnezzar is this beautiful story of Shadrach, meshach and Abednego, and then Belshazzar and then Darius, and in all of them Daniel just finds favor and yet again is the head of everything. And now people are jealous. People are always jealous when you ride on top. So they come to the king and they ask for a decree saying that no one should petition any god for 30 days or they will be thrown into a den of lions. So you see, king Darius doesn't believe in the living god, and his people, his administrators, chiefs, the ones who are jealous of Daniel, know about Daniel that he, he worships the living God. That's the best way to trap him. So let's make the king sign a decree. So they say let's sign a decree for 30 days that no one will petition any God or they will be thrown into the lion's den. And the king signs the decree and Daniel the 6th chapter, 10th verse, and it's so beautifully put.

Speaker 1:

Now, when Daniel knew that the writing was signed oh, listen to this. When he knew it was signed oh, listen to this. When he knew it was signed, the moment he found out that it was signed, he went home and in his upper room, with his windows open towards Jerusalem, he knelt down on his knees three times that day and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as was his custom since early days Hallelujah. The moment he found out that it was signed, he's going to his upper room and opens his windows towards Jerusalem and he goes down on his knees three times that day to thank God. Wow, daniel must have been a different guy. Oh, hallelujah. And he prayed and gave thanks before his God, as was his custom since early days. This is all that Daniel used to do since early days.

Speaker 1:

You can read that book. It's a beautiful book and, as of course was planned, that was a trap that was used. The administrators, chiefs, governors they go to the king to fill his ears and the king is very unhappy with himself. The Bible says that means he knew he was strict in signing this decree just so that they could catch Daniel. And the Bible says and you have to listen to this that means he knew he was strict in signing this decree just so that they could catch Daniel. And the Bible says and you have to listen to this Daniel is just a man and he's blessed by God and he finds favor in the region that he's in, with every king that comes and goes. Every king comes and goes, but Daniel remains the head. And this time the king is unhappy with himself because he knows that he's been tricked, that Daniel be thrown into the lion's den. And the Bible says he labored till the going down of the sun to deliver Daniel. That means he's fighting with his people to try and find some loop where he can pull Daniel out of the situation.

Speaker 1:

But his own decree could not save Daniel and Daniel 6.16. So the king gave command and brought Daniel and cast him into the den of the lions. But the king spoke saying to Daniel Daniel 6.16, your God, daniel, your God, whom you serve continually, he will deliver you. Oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah. King Darius does not even believe in the living God, he just knows Daniel. But he knows one thing that Daniel, your God, whom you serve continually, he will deliver you. Oh hallelujah. He doesn't say might. He doesn't say I hope he delivers you, daniel. He doesn't say I hope I come back and I see you alive, daniel. He says he will deliver you, hallelujah. And you know what? As the decree was signed, the person was to be thrown into the lion's den. And they throw Daniel into the lion's den and they put a stone over the mouth of the den and they seal it. And I'm reading to you now directly from the word of God from the book of Daniel, the sixth chapter, the 18th verse onwards Now, the king went to the palace and spent the night fasting and the musicians were brought before him, verse onwards Now, the king went to the palace and spent the night fasting and the musicians were brought before him.

Speaker 1:

Also, his sleep went from him. Then the king arose very early in the morning and went in a haste to the den of the lions and when he came to the den he cried out with a lamenting voice to Daniel. The king spoke, saying to Daniel Daniel, daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you serve continually, been able to deliver you from the lions. And then Daniel said to the king O king, live forever. My God, my God sent his angel and shut the lions' mouths so that they have not hurt me, because I was found innocent before him and also, o king, I have done no wrong before you.

Speaker 1:

Now the king was exceedingly glad for him and commanded that he should Take Daniel up out of the den. So Daniel was taken up From out of the den With no injury whatsoever that was found on him, because he believed in his God. Oh, hallelujah, oh, he believed in his God, that's just it. I don't even know what happened in that den, but this is all that Daniel says. O king, my God sent his angel. My God sent his angel and he shut the lion's mouths. That's all we know of what happened in that den. That's all. And all of us have wonderful imaginations and you can let it go wild, because this is all that you have from the mouth of Daniel as to what happened in that den. The angel shut the lion's mouths and there are so many drawings and so many pictures that I have seen in my years growing up which you know can make you think so many things. But oh wow, bible even says that Darius was so angry that he took the people who tried to plot against Daniel, with their families and their children, and he put them in the den.

Speaker 1:

And the Bible says that even before they went into the depths of the den, the lions finished them off and even shattered their bones. The Bible says their bones. The Bible says but, daniel, I am innocent, I have done nothing wrong. I am innocent before my God. Oh, king, live forever. My God sent his angel and shut the lion's mouth. And they have not heard me because I was found innocent before him. Of course, all I'm doing is praising him. All I'm doing is bowing down to him. I don't care about your law. Whatever decree you've made, I will continue to do what I do, because he is the law of the land and I've been found innocent. And because of that, o king, he sent his angel and he shut the mouths of the lion. O hallelujah, o hallelujah. What a beautiful, beautiful story.

Speaker 1:

And Daniel, the first chapter. It says that God had brought Daniel into the favor and goodwill of the chiefs of the officials. It was only God and Daniel knew something, which is why, again, the only insight we have that one time is where Daniel goes into his upper room and bows down three times that day, as was his ritual to bow down three days, three times a day, before God, maybe even more, but that day he bowed down three times is because the Bible tells it to us. And God brought Daniel. Favor amongst three kings, god did it all for him. Favor amongst three kings, god did it all for him. And God shut the lion's mouth, sent his angel down.

Speaker 1:

Let me tell you what people used to talk about Daniel. There's a man in your kingdom in whom the spirit of the holy God is, and in the days of your father, light and understanding and wisdom, like the wisdom of the gods, was found in him. Oh, hallelujah, hallelujah, that's Daniel 5, 11 for you. Oh, daniel had the favor of God, and Daniel had the favor of God and he had the spirit of God in him. And I want to tell you that Daniel lived at a time when he didn't even know the name. He didn't even know the name Yeshua. And he got a glimpse of him in his time because of his friends Shadrach, meshach and Abednego. And I want to tell you this this beautiful morning, from Hebrews, 13 chapter, the 8th verse Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forevermore.

Speaker 1:

He's not a respecter of man. You and I are from a time after Jesus, and you and I are from a time after Jesus, and you and I now know Jesus. Daniel, shadrach, meshach and Abednego before Jesus, you, me, all of us here after Jesus. And he's not a respecter of no man, and I want to tell you what he did for Daniel, he will do for you too. What he did for Shadrach, meshach and Abednego, he will do for you too. Yes, he will.

Speaker 1:

And I want to tell you the trials and tribulations will come, and kings and rulers will come and go, and heads and names and titles will come and go, and heads and names and titles will come and go, but there will always be, and only be, one name, one name, the name. That's above all names, where every knee will bow, every knee will bow on the earth, above the earth and below the earth. There will always be only one name. And he knows you and he has made you. And in all these things, romans 8.37 says, in all these things, we are more than conquerors through him, who loved us. These things, we are more than conquerors through him, who loved us. Oh, we are more than conquerors through Jesus. We are more than conquerors through Jesus.

Speaker 1:

Are you being fed to lions this morning? Are you being thrown into a furnace of fire? Look, I'm not saying your situation might be an easy one. That's not what I'm not saying. Your situation might be an easy one. That's not what I'm saying. And even if it is a really difficult situation, be sure, be sure, or be absolutely sure about the fact that God will deliver you and he will. I told you he's not a respecter of men what he did for Daniel, that God will deliver you and he will. I told you he's not a respecter of men what he did for Daniel and what he did for Shadrach, meshach and Abednego. He will do for you. He will, but you just have to be, you just have to believe and be absolutely sure that he will and he will.

Speaker 1:

Because, as I said, and these two stories that I've narrated to you today, narrated to you today, narrated to you this beautiful day and this beautiful morning where you're being thrown into a furnace, or whether you've been thrown into a lion's den wow, in all these things, we are more than conquerors, through Christ Jesus, hallelujah, amen. Dear God, I thank you for this beautiful time. I thank you for your beautiful presence. We are more than conquerors, through Christ Jesus, hallelujah, amen. Dear Lord, I thank you for this beautiful time. I thank you for your beautiful presence. I thank you for your word. I thank you for your love. I thank you for your joy and your peace.

Speaker 1:

I thank you, lord, that you have our names written on the palm of your hands, lord. I thank you, lord, that you're always at our right hand. I thank you, lord, for what you did on that cross. I thank you for your blood and Lord, whatever situation we are in today or whatever difficulty it might be, I thank you that you always with us and your word says you will never leave us nor forsake us, and I thank you for that. I thank you for that, lord. I thank you that you are watching over your word to perform it.

Speaker 1:

I thank you, lord, that we are more than conquerors in anything, any situation, through you, through your name. I thank you for your name, that's above all names, where every knee bows on the earth, above the earth and below the earth. Thank you for your beautiful presence on this platform. Thank you, lord, for your presence that will fill people's homes and fill them up, where they hear you and they will know that you are their right hand side. Lord Hallelujah. Thank you, lord, in Jesus name, I pray Amen. You and they will know that you are their right hand side. Lord Hallelujah. Thank you, lord, in Jesus' name, I pray Amen.