the new Jerusalem
What is the true gospel of Jesus Christ? What is the good news of His Salvation?
Jesus gave Himself as a ransom for all of us. He paid a heavy price at the cross because He loves us. Each week, hear about how to break free from religious restrictions but instead have an abiding, trusting relationship with Jesus.
If you want to live in the shelter of the Most High, encompassed by His blessing, His overflowing grace, and His never failing, everlasting love, this podcast is for you.
“And how will they preach unless they are commissioned and sent for that purpose?
Just as it is written and forever remains written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!”
- Romans 10:15
Quel est le véritable évangile de Jésus-Christ ? Quelle est la bonne nouvelle de son salut ?
Jésus s'est donné en rançon pour nous tous. Il a payé un lourd tribut à la croix parce qu'il nous aime. Chaque semaine, découvrez comment vous libérer des restrictions religieuses et vivre une relation durable et confiante avec Jésus.
Si vous voulez vivre à l'abri du Très-Haut, entouré de sa bénédiction, de sa grâce débordante et de son amour éternel, ce podcast est fait pour vous.
"Et comment prêcheront-ils s'ils ne sont pas mandatés et envoyés dans ce but ?
Comme il est écrit et qu'il sera toujours écrit : "Qu'ils sont beaux les pieds de ceux qui annoncent de bonnes nouvelles !
- Romains 10:15
¿Cuál es el verdadero Evangelio de Jesucristo? ¿Cuáles son las buenas nuevas de Su Salvación?
Jesús se entregó como rescate por todos nosotros. Pagó un alto precio en la cruz porque nos ama. Cada semana, escuche cómo liberarse de las restricciones religiosas y en su lugar tener una relación duradera y de confianza con Jesús.
Si quiere vivir al abrigo del Altísimo, rodeado de Su bendición, Su gracia desbordante y Su amor eterno que nunca falla, este podcast es para usted.
"¿Y cómo predicarán a menos que sean comisionados y enviados para ese propósito?
Como está escrito y para siempre: "¡Qué hermosos son los pies de los que anuncian buenas nuevas!"
- Romanos 10:15
- 罗马书 10:15
the new Jerusalem
Boundless Love of God
Can you truly understand the depth of God's love that surrounds you every day?
Our understanding of "love" is restricted to our life experiences and relationships. But God's love goes beyond anything we know, think or imagine.
Join us as we explore the profound and boundless love that God has for each one of us.
“In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him.”
- 1 John 4:9
Today, before I start the word and before I get into it, I want to ask each of you a very important question and I want you to take of you a very important question and I want you to take a few seconds to even think about it. And that question is Do you know what is love? And I said take a few seconds to ponder about it. And again I'm saying the question is do you know what is love? And you know, we're all human on this platform Besides one. I want to tell you that I can assure you that when I asked you this question, you probably had someone's face come to mind, or maybe a few people, maybe many, and praise God for that. But, as I said, it's an important question. Do you know what is love? Or do you know what love is, or do you know what love means? And I can confidently say today that anyone who's listening this morning will know what love means and will have loved someone at some point of time or the other in their lifespan on this planet or, for that matter, maybe someone has loved you. But we are all familiar with the word love. I know that for a fact. Our life on this planet starts with our mother's love. Our life on this planet starts with mother's love and sometimes, if it has happened and a mother is not around, then some form of parental love, maybe family love, a siblings love, a friend's love. There is some form of love and I want to tell you that love is such a big word. It's such a big word and I want to tell you that, you know, english has only one word For love the word is love. But other languages have different words For different forms of love. There's Torge, which is love that is, between family members, torge love. Then there's Filia love, which is love between friends. There's Eros love. There's Pragos love. There's pragma love. And I want to tell you, the Bible says that God is love and I want to tell you there's a love that God has for you and me. It's called Agape Love, and Agape Love means unconditional love. Agape Love is sacrificial love and that's why I started this morning with asking Do you know what love is? And for anyone who knows what love is and that's each and every one of us here this morning knows that love entails some form of sacrifice and all of us have done it at some point. But God's love, the love that I'm referring to right now, agape. Love is unconditional love for you and me. It's unconditional and it's sacrificial.
Speaker 1:And 1 john 4 9 says and listen to this if you don't believe me, hear it through the word of god. 1 john 4 9 says in this the love of god was manifested towards us, that God sent his only son, his only begotten son, into the world that we might live through him. Oh, hallelujah, oh, I told you you don't need to believe me. Believe the word of God. Unconditional love for you, the love that God has. And in this the love of God was manifested towards us, that God has sent his only begotten son into the world that we might live through him. What a sacrifice. He sacrificed his son for you and me. He sent him down to the earth to die on a cross for you and me that we might live through him. Hallelujah, unconditional love. And it's established.
Speaker 1:As I said this morning, you can go and mark 1 John 4.9. Through the word of God, god loves you unconditionally. And don't be under any myth that God doesn't love you because of the kind of person you are or because of your past, or because of what you've done. No, no, don't be under any misconception God loves you, period. And today I want to give you a glimpse of how God looks at you. I want to give you a glimpse of how deep the Father's love looks at you. I want to give you a glimpse of how deep the Father's love is for you, and that's why I started with do you know what love is and you understand what love is? You will see and understand how much God loves you. And, as I said, don't believe me. Believe the word of God. And I'm going straight into it from Psalm 139, the first and second verse, and this is the Psalm of David. And you will want to mark this Psalm and these verses down because it's beautiful.
Speaker 1:Psalm 139, 1 and 2 oh Lord, you have searched me and known me. You know when I sit and when I rise up. You understand my thought from afar. Oh hallelujah, oh, god knows you to your core. You have searched me and known me. You know when I sit down and when I rise up. You understand my thoughts from afar. Oh, hallelujah, he watches over you constantly. He knows things about you even before you think it for yourself. Oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah. Psalm 139, the third and fourth verse says oh Hallelujah.
Speaker 1:Psalm 139, the third and fourth verse, says you scrutinize my path and my lying down and Are intimately acquainted with all my ways. Oh hallelujah, even before there is a word on my tongue, behold the Lord. You know it all. Hallelujah. Scrutinize means examine closely. He closely examines your path. You know what I mean when you love someone that deeply. You know what I mean. He scrutinizes your path. He examines closely where you are going and where you are lying down. He even looks closely where you are going and where you are lying down. He even looks at where you sleep. Oh, don't be mistaken, people of the most high this beautiful morning, don't be mistaken. And he's intimately acquainted with all your ways. He knows you deeply, don't be mistaken. He knows you deeply. Don't be mistaken. Your creator knows you in depth. Oh hallelujah.
Speaker 1:The fifth and sixth word says you have enclosed me behind and before and laid your hand upon me. Oh hallelujah, such knowledge is too wonderful for me. It is too high. I cannot attain it. Oh hallelujah, you know, when we were young we used to sing this song God's love is so wonderful. God's love is so wonderful. And there's a verse that comes up that says it's so high you can't get over it. It's so deep you can't get under it. It's so wide you can't get around it.
Speaker 1:God's love for me, god's love for you. You have enclosed me behind and before, hallelujah, you have enclosed me behind and before. You know, those infants have that strap on. I don't know what it's called, but I think most of you know it or you've seen it on TV or in movies where the child is unable to take care of themselves until a particular age, or even walk, for that matter, even hold the head straight. It's strapped on close to the chest of the mother or the father, or the back. Yeah, that's how God sees you. You have enclosed me behind and before. That's how he holds you. You laid your hand upon me, oh, hallelujah, his hand is upon you. Some of you can feel it this morning.
Speaker 1:Such knowledge is too much for me. It's too much, I can't attain it. He is the bubble around you, he has his hand upon you. Oh, hallelujah, and just to fathom this, it's just, it's so deep. Is this possible? Is this possible? Can God love us like this? Oh, absolutely, god loves you like this. He absolutely loves you like this, and I started with telling you. He loves you so much that he sent His only begotten Son on this planet to die a very gruesome death for you and me. Oh, he absolutely loves you. Oh, hallelujah.
Speaker 1:The 13th verse says for you have formed my inward paths. Wow, hallelujah, you wove me in my mother's. Hallelujah, god has formed you, he has made you, he knows your inward paths. Oh, hallelujah, he has woven you in your mother's womb. Oh, you will say say no, it's not possible. I got to know jesus when I was 40. Doesn't matter, there is no time for god. He's in timelessness. And he has woven you in your mother's womb because he knew, 40 years later, you'd know him. Because he knew, 40 years later, you'd know him. Hallelujah, you have formed my inward parts. You wove me in my mother's womb. Oh, god has formed you, he has made you.
Speaker 1:And I told you, don't be mistaken or misled by what others might say he knows you from the very beginning. He has decided you. Let me just put it that beginning. He has decided you. Let me just put it that way he has decided you. And if you don't, hallelujah, and if you don't believe that, believe this. Psalm 139.14 says I will give you thanks, o Lord, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Oh, hallelujah, I will give you thanks, o Lord, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works, and my soul knows it very well. Hallelujah, hallelujah. Oh.
Speaker 1:You get up this morning and you go and stand in front of the mirror and you look at yourself in that mirror and let me tell you, no matter what the world has told you through your years on this planet, or what your friends have told you, or what your family has told you, what your so-called loved ones have told you, your so-called loved ones being human beings whose love is limited and conditional, human beings whose love is limited and conditional and you look at yourself in the mirror and know that God has fearfully made you and he has wonderfully made you. Oh, you are his masterpiece. That is what the scripture is telling you this morning. You are his masterpiece. You stand in front of the mirror because this is how God looks at you and he says wow, look at my child. I fearfully made him, I've wonderfully made her. Oh, don't bother about. Oh, the world thinks I'm too fat, or the world thinks I'm too thin or too short, or my head is too big, my shoulders are too short. That's the way the world looks at you. But God has fearfully and wonderfully made you. Oh, you are his masterpiece. There is no price for you Besides the price of the blood of his son, which is priceless. Hallelujah, hallelujah, fearfully and wonderfully. He's fearfully and wonderfully. He's fearfully and wonderfully made, hallelujah. That just gives a whole new perspective of how he looks at you and how he loves you. You're not just put together in haste, you're not just thrown together without any thought.
Speaker 1:The 17th and 18th verse says how precious also are your thoughts to me, o Lord. How vast is the sum of them? If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand. And when I awake, I am still with you. Oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah. How precious also are your thoughts to me. How vast is the sum of them? If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand. When I awake, I am still with you, oh hallelujah.
Speaker 1:Now, hallelujah, you cannot separate God's love for you. You cannot separate God's love for you. You cannot separate God's love from you. Even when you wake, you are still with him. That means he is never not with you, oh Hallelujah. The Bible uses two words only present. He's always with you and only since, which means he knows everything. Hallelujah, it's in the Bible, it's not me. How precious are your thoughts to me, o Lord, how vast is the sum of them? Oh, you can't even count the thoughts that he has towards you. They are outnumbering the sand. They outnumber the sand. You can't count the sand. That's the amount of thoughts that God has towards you. Oh hallelujah.
Speaker 1:Oh, this beautiful morning, please look at yourself in another light. Forget what the world has told you, or how the world looks at you, or what the world thinks of you, or who's not at your side. Oh, god is always at your right hand. He is always at your right hand, and his word says I will never leave you nor forsake you. I will never leave you nor forsake you. You believe it this morning, and that only comes from someone who loves you Deeply, very deeply. Oh, hallelujah, this beautiful morning. Oh you just I told you.
Speaker 1:Go and stand in front of the mirror, look at yourself and know that the creator of heaven and earth, the creator of heaven and earth, has fearfully and wonderfully made you. Oh, fearfully made, fearfully made, fearfully made you. Do you even fathom it? Fathom it, mark it down in your Bibles, psalm 139. Go ahead and read it. It's a beautiful psalm.
Speaker 1:To be honest with you, the entire Bible is a love story between God and man. But read this psalm. Read it. You will get to know the love God has for you. Oh beautiful, deep, deep rooted love. Nothing can fathom it, nothing can overtake it, nothing can separate you from his love.
Speaker 1:Hallelujah, dear Lord, I thank you for your beautiful word. I thank you for this time in your sweet presence, lord. I thank you, lord, that you are opening doors for someone that no man can shut. I thank you, lord, for your love, your love for us. Lord, your agape love, lord, your everlasting love, your unchanging love, your love that never leaves us nor forsakes us. I thank you for that beautiful love. I thank you, lord, because of that love that you sent your only begotten son for us.
Speaker 1:Lord. Thank you, lord, for what you've done on that cross for us. Lord. I thank you, lord, that you have fearfully and wonderfully made us Lord. I thank you, lord, that you never leave us. Lord. I thank you that you have enclosed us from behind and before and your hand is continually laid upon us, lord. I thank you, lord, that you're intimately acquainted with us. Thank you, lord. You know I have. We thought before we even think it. Thank you for your love that you have for us, lord. Thank you for the life that you've given us, I thank. Thank you for always, always being with us, for never leaving us nor forsaking us and always being at our right hand side. Thank you for this beautiful time, lord. Thank you for this beautiful world. In Jesus' name, I pray Amen. Thanks for watching.