the new Jerusalem
What is the true gospel of Jesus Christ? What is the good news of His Salvation?
Jesus gave Himself as a ransom for all of us. He paid a heavy price at the cross because He loves us. Each week, hear about how to break free from religious restrictions but instead have an abiding, trusting relationship with Jesus.
If you want to live in the shelter of the Most High, encompassed by His blessing, His overflowing grace, and His never failing, everlasting love, this podcast is for you.
“And how will they preach unless they are commissioned and sent for that purpose?
Just as it is written and forever remains written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!”
- Romans 10:15
Quel est le véritable évangile de Jésus-Christ ? Quelle est la bonne nouvelle de son salut ?
Jésus s'est donné en rançon pour nous tous. Il a payé un lourd tribut à la croix parce qu'il nous aime. Chaque semaine, découvrez comment vous libérer des restrictions religieuses et vivre une relation durable et confiante avec Jésus.
Si vous voulez vivre à l'abri du Très-Haut, entouré de sa bénédiction, de sa grâce débordante et de son amour éternel, ce podcast est fait pour vous.
"Et comment prêcheront-ils s'ils ne sont pas mandatés et envoyés dans ce but ?
Comme il est écrit et qu'il sera toujours écrit : "Qu'ils sont beaux les pieds de ceux qui annoncent de bonnes nouvelles !
- Romains 10:15
¿Cuál es el verdadero Evangelio de Jesucristo? ¿Cuáles son las buenas nuevas de Su Salvación?
Jesús se entregó como rescate por todos nosotros. Pagó un alto precio en la cruz porque nos ama. Cada semana, escuche cómo liberarse de las restricciones religiosas y en su lugar tener una relación duradera y de confianza con Jesús.
Si quiere vivir al abrigo del Altísimo, rodeado de Su bendición, Su gracia desbordante y Su amor eterno que nunca falla, este podcast es para usted.
"¿Y cómo predicarán a menos que sean comisionados y enviados para ese propósito?
Como está escrito y para siempre: "¡Qué hermosos son los pies de los que anuncian buenas nuevas!"
- Romanos 10:15
- 罗马书 10:15
the new Jerusalem
The Word
Here's a little secret to a life full of achievements. It's so simple, we often overlook it or don’t believe it’s possible!
In this week's episode, let's journey back to the time of Joshua and uncover the true key to success.
“This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success.”
- Joshua 1:8
This beautiful morning and I'm going to start with the Old Testament Then take you to a time when A time of Moses and the Israelites, and some of you might. You know you might know it, excuse me, some of you might, and you know, you might know it. Excuse me, some of you might not know it, but I'm gonna tell it to you anyways. This beautiful morning, the Moses was given a job to do, and that is free God's people from Egypt. They were in slavery, they were slaves of the Egyptians and they were crying out to God for years and God heard their voice and sent Moses, a man, to release them. He did with God and he brought down plagues on Egypt and Pharaoh was still adamant on not letting them go. And finally the Pharaoh breaks and the Israelites are let go off. And I'm not getting into that aspect. But but I'm going to get into another aspect, and that is God promises them a land, a promised land where they will dwell, a land that is blessed. The Bible even calls it a land filled with milk and honey and so many other descriptions to it which, as I said, I'm not getting into this morning. And then Moses was given the law by God, the commandments as how we know it, if you're born and brought up in a Christian family Commandments for the people of Israel At Mount Sinai. It's in the book of Leviticus, if you'd like to read it anytime, and I also want to tell you that God, constantly how beautiful is this? God constantly communicated with Moses face to face, oh, hallelujah. Communicated with Moses face to face, oh, hallelujah. Communicated with Moses face to face, oh, hallelujah, beautiful. And throughout the book of Deuteronomy, god gives, gives Moses the law and tells him about things that that need to be done and how things need to be followed. And there comes a time when the Lord tells Moses that you will not cross over to the other side. You there, the Jordan is in front of them. And he tells him that you won't be crossing over to the other side because you are going to die and you will not take these people to the promised land. Look at the relationship Moses had with God. Some of you are feeling God's presence this morning already. Praise God, and he is talking to him. And he's talking to him, and he's talking to him to a point where he's telling him your time is done, you're not going any further, you won't be taking these Israelites to the promised land, but instead Joshua will lead them henceforth.
Speaker 1:And I want to tell you that every time God tells Moses something, he writes down the laws. He writes them down and he's to give them to the priests of that time, the Levites, as what they used to be called the high priests, the high priests. And even the last law that was commissioned to Moses before he died, where God tells him how the people of Israel are going to turn away from him after he, after Moses, dies, and how they are going to make their own ways and how he is going to turn away from them. God tells Moses all of this and, yet again, he writes down the rules, the law, the songs even, and he gives them to the priest to keep next to the Ark of the Covenant. That's where God's presence used to be, hallelujah. And when Moses is about to die, I want to tell you, god asked him to bring Joshua and, by the way, the place is called the Tent of Meeting. Hallelujah. Can you imagine having a meeting with God every day? Wow, hallelujah, the place is called the Tent of Meeting. You can go and read it in the Bible. And God tells Moses before he's about to die. Go, bring Joshua to the tent of meeting and the Bible says the Lord appeared in the tent in the form of a pillar of cloud at the doorway of the tent, and he commissions Joshua to lead the people after Moses. Hallelujah, some of you can feel God's presence, hallelujah.
Speaker 1:And Moses dies in a place called Moab. And the Bible says he was 120 weak and neither were his eyes bad, which means he could see perfectly or he was 120 years old and neither was he weak, nor were his eyes bad. The Bible only talks about him not being weak in his eyes. And the people now turn to joshua to be led to the promised land. And, as joshua, just as joshua was about to take the reins, the lord speaks to joshua hallelujah, yet again he's coming and he's speaking to him. But wait, he's speaking to him. He spoke to Moses face to face and of course, moses could never look upon God, because the Bible says, and he tells Moses in fact don't look upon me, because no one can look upon me, they will die. But he had them face to face conversations with Moses. And now he comes and he speaks to Joshua hallelujah, and to me. This is so, so powerful. And now he comes and he speaks to Joshua Hallelujah. And to me this is so, so powerful Because, to start with, as I said, god is speaking to Joshua.
Speaker 1:Imagine God coming and speaking to you. Oh hallelujah, oh, I would just love that. And Joshua 1.3. God tells Joshua, and he is telling you this morning every place on which the sole of your foot treads, I have given to you, just as I spoke to Moses, amen. Every place on which the sole of your foot treads, I have given to you, just as I spoke to Moses. Oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah. Somebody is thinking about a bad job right now. It's yours already. It's yours. Your foot, yours already, it's yours. Your foot is there, it's yours. Do what you need to do, hallelujah.
Speaker 1:Joshua 1.5 then goes on to say that no man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Hallelujah, this is God speaking to Joshua. Just as I have been with Moses, I will be with you. I will not fail you nor forsake you. Oh hallelujah, amen.
Speaker 1:I want to tell you this morning that God is not a respecter of man and he's probably just. It's a new relationship. Of course, joshua is very familiar with God. Let me tell you that and I'm not getting into that this morning on what he used to do when Moses was around. So he's very familiar with God. But understand, it's a new relationship and God is establishing the foundation relationship. And God is establishing the foundation and in case you have walked away this morning or you've lost track or you're not sure about where you are, here he is establishing it yet once again for you. No man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Oh, you know what. You believe it, and if you don't want to believe it, it's on you.
Speaker 1:But this is the words of God to Moses and this was the words of God to Joshua after he's handed down the title. And just as I have been with Moses, I will be with you. And just as I have been with Moses, I will be with you. And just as I have been with Joshua, I will be with you. Yes, you, you and me, on this planet, on this platform, listening to this this morning or whenever, and I will not fail you nor forsake you. Oh hallelujah, god will not fail you nor forsake you. Fail has such a deep meaning. Fail has such a deep meaning and you can go and ponder upon it later on what fail actually means when you rely on something and how it comes through. I will never fail you, never fail you. Oh hallelujah, when you rely on him, he will never let you down.
Speaker 1:Hallelujah, and this is for someone here, be strong and courageous. Be strong and courageous. The words of God, for you shall give this people possession of the land for which I swore to the fathers to give them. Oh hallelujah, be strong and courageous. The Lord is telling somebody this morning Be strong and courageous. And you know, telling somebody this morning Be strong and courageous. And you know, sometimes, when you're just not sure about the meaning of a word, it's so simple to just go to I mean, we're living in a wonderful age of technology Just go to your phone and go to Google and check the meaning of the word and it will give you so many levels, so many levels. But this is for someone and you already know. Be strong and courageous, and what you need to do from here on is on you, because God will back you and you can rely on him. He will never, never fail you, hallelujah.
Speaker 1:And then I want to take you to this passage of scripture which is it's just, it's very personal to me and it's beautiful. Joshua 1.8 says this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth. This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to what is written in it. For then, joshua 1.8, for then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have success. Oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah, this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but meditate on it, meditate on it day and night, day and night. Meditate on it that you may be careful to do according to what is written in it, for then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have success. Oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah, oh.
Speaker 1:I told you about book, I told you about the law, I told you about the songs that Moses had written down from time, from Mount Sinai to the time that the laws were being given to him by God. Oh, he used to go to the tent of meeting every day and pardon me for not knowing how many times in the day he met and spoke with God every day, and all those things were documented by Moses. And I told you the law. That's the law that's kept there. And now, of course, joshua's taking over and God is just giving him, I told you, the foundation. He's giving him the foundation. He's setting a new relationship. He's setting a new benchmark. He's setting a new benchmark with you this morning the book of the law. Meditate on it day and night, constantly. Be careful to do what is written in it For then, for then, for then, you will make your way prosperous and have success. Oh, hallelujah, hallelujah. I want to tell you hallelujah, and this is me.
Speaker 1:To me, the bible is is a love story between god and man. I want to tell you. It's filled, filled with beautiful hidden treasures, and this is one of those treasures. So simple, yet some of you might think so difficult, but I'll reveal a secret to you this morning that I've been asked to, one of those beautiful secrets that you should cling on to from this day on. Hallelujah.
Speaker 1:The Bible says in John 1, the first was onwards. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was, in the beginning, with God. All things came into being through him and, apart from him, nothing came into being that has come into being. Hallelujah. John 1, the first verse onwards until the third. You should mark it and read it and meditate on it. Just as the book of Joshua has told you this morning and most of you know this, and for some of you who don't, or not sure or unclear about what scripture means or what this scripture means the word is Jesus. In the beginning was the word and the word was was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. He was in the beginning with God and all things came into being through him and apart from him. Nothing came into being that was into being. Hallelujah. That just I told you.
Speaker 1:It's just simple, but it's so clear and yet so complex to understand. So don't get into the complexity of it. Just know the word is Jesus and he was with God in the beginning when everything was made. And the Bible says he became flesh and dwelt amongst us and I'm not getting into what it says after that but he came down to this planet. The word became flesh and he came down to this planet and he died on a cross for you and me.
Speaker 1:And here's how you and me have to look at it people living in this world after the new testament, living in this world, after the New Testament, living in this world, after Jesus has come to this planet and gone, the Bible says after what Jesus has done on the cross, after what Jesus has done on the cross, he's been placed far above, far above, far above. The Bible says he's been placed far above All power, authority, dominion, law, government, wait, wait, rules, songs, books, laws, commandments. Oh Hallelujah, oh Hallelujah, oh Hallelujah. Yeah, you see, joshua lived in the Old Testament and God gave them the law, so they write it down and go with it. And then Jesus comes on the planet and he gives his life on a cross for you and me. And then now, for you and me, this passage of scripture means something else. Yes, jesus is above authority, he's above dominion, he's above law, he's above the government, he's above the rules, the psalms, the commandments. And now look at the scripture in a new light. The book of law, this book of the law, joshua 1.8,.
Speaker 1:The word Jesus shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, meditate on the word day and night, meditate on Jesus. Day and night, he's the same, the word is him. So that you may be careful to do according to what is written in it, for then you will make your way prosperous. For then you will make your way prosperous and you will have success. Oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah. I want to leave you with this.
Speaker 1:This beautiful day, day and night, you like to read. Read the word of God All the time, every day, have it on your lips, know it in your mind and, when a situation comes, align it with the word of God and release the word, because the Bible says I am watching over my word to perform it. Can it be made more clear to you? I told you it's a beautiful book of hidden treasures. If you meditate on it every day, day and night, when your situation comes, you will know the word associated with that situation and you release the word and you know what. God will step in, because he says I am watching over my word to perform it. I can't make it more clear than this to you. You release the word, your situation changes, hallelujah.
Speaker 1:You like to chit chat and have a friend? Talk to Jesus every day, day and night, daily, every day, all the time. The Bible says he will never leave you nor forsake you. What does that mean? He's always with you, at your right hand. You don't believe it? Don't believe me. This is the scriptures. This is God. He cannot lie, cannot deny himself. He's not human, hallelujah. What could be worth more than having Jesus with you all the time, talking to you? Hallelujah, oh, he's with you all the time. It's your choice. As I said, you like to read, read the word, you like to talk, talk to Jesus, it's the same thing. Do it all the time, day and night. Meditate on His word. And I want to tell you this beautiful morning whatever situation you might come across, release the word. It's basically you releasing Jesus into that situation. Oh, no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Amen.
Speaker 1:Thank you, lord, for this beautiful word. Thank you, lord, for this beautiful time. Thank you for your presence. Thank you for the love that you're showing someone right now, lord, thank you for for being obedient to death on a cross only for us. Lord, thank you for this beautiful, beautiful time in your presence, your sweet presence. Thank you for restoring someone's health right now, lord. Thank you, lord, for showing somebody your love. Thank you, lord, for opening the door that no man can shut. Thank you, lord, for showing somebody your love. Thank you, lord, for opening the door that no man can shut. Thank you, lord, for filling somebody with your wisdom. Oh, thank you, lord, for letting somebody know that you're right there, at their right hand, and they know it. Thank you for this beautiful time. In jesus name, I pray amen.