the new Jerusalem
What is the true gospel of Jesus Christ? What is the good news of His Salvation?
Jesus gave Himself as a ransom for all of us. He paid a heavy price at the cross because He loves us. Each week, hear about how to break free from religious restrictions but instead have an abiding, trusting relationship with Jesus.
If you want to live in the shelter of the Most High, encompassed by His blessing, His overflowing grace, and His never failing, everlasting love, this podcast is for you.
“And how will they preach unless they are commissioned and sent for that purpose?
Just as it is written and forever remains written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!”
- Romans 10:15
Quel est le véritable évangile de Jésus-Christ ? Quelle est la bonne nouvelle de son salut ?
Jésus s'est donné en rançon pour nous tous. Il a payé un lourd tribut à la croix parce qu'il nous aime. Chaque semaine, découvrez comment vous libérer des restrictions religieuses et vivre une relation durable et confiante avec Jésus.
Si vous voulez vivre à l'abri du Très-Haut, entouré de sa bénédiction, de sa grâce débordante et de son amour éternel, ce podcast est fait pour vous.
"Et comment prêcheront-ils s'ils ne sont pas mandatés et envoyés dans ce but ?
Comme il est écrit et qu'il sera toujours écrit : "Qu'ils sont beaux les pieds de ceux qui annoncent de bonnes nouvelles !
- Romains 10:15
¿Cuál es el verdadero Evangelio de Jesucristo? ¿Cuáles son las buenas nuevas de Su Salvación?
Jesús se entregó como rescate por todos nosotros. Pagó un alto precio en la cruz porque nos ama. Cada semana, escuche cómo liberarse de las restricciones religiosas y en su lugar tener una relación duradera y de confianza con Jesús.
Si quiere vivir al abrigo del Altísimo, rodeado de Su bendición, Su gracia desbordante y Su amor eterno que nunca falla, este podcast es para usted.
"¿Y cómo predicarán a menos que sean comisionados y enviados para ese propósito?
Como está escrito y para siempre: "¡Qué hermosos son los pies de los que anuncian buenas nuevas!"
- Romanos 10:15
- 罗马书 10:15
the new Jerusalem
Prince of Peace
How well do you know Jesus? Did you know He is also called Wonderful, Counselor, Prince of Peace, Mighty God and that the government will always be upon His shoulder.
Join us in this week's episode to truly understand who the Son of God is and why He is above all authority.
“For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of His government and peace There will be no end”
- Isaiah 9:6-7 NKJV
This beautiful day. I want to tell you, I want to tell understand who Jesus is, and I want to tell you that Jesus was. He came onto this planet, he was born unto us through the Virgin Mary. He lived on this planet as a human being. And I'm going straight into the word of God, which is from the book of Isaiah 9, the 6th and 7th verse, and it says for unto us a child is born and unto us a son is given. Hallelujah and the government will be upon his shoulder and his name will be called Wonderful Counselor, mighty God, everlasting Father, prince of Peace, of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. Hallelujah.
Speaker 1:All this passage of scripture is so deep at so many levels. And yes, unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given. Jesus is the son of God and he sent him down on this planet. And you know, before Jesus came, god used to communicate with his people through you know, nature and thunder and clouds and angels and all of that. But my version is he was not happy with the outcome because people never believed him or never believed in him. So he decided let me just send my son down that through him and through his life on this planet and what he will do for us, there will be eternal salvation for us. There will be eternal salvation, so as beautifully put in the scripture, and you should really mark the scripture down Isaiah 9, the 6th and 7th verse. Jesus is sent down onto this planet and God gave to us his only begotten son, and the Bible says the government will be upon his shoulder.
Speaker 1:Hallelujah, what a wonderful passage of scripture. And his name will be called wonderful counselor, mighty God, everlasting father, prince of peace. Oh hallelujah. Mighty God, everlasting Father, prince of Peace. Oh hallelujah the wonderful counsellor. The Bible says he's always at our right hand. Wonderful counsellor who, when he was on this planet, spoke about the kingdom of heaven. When he was on the planet, he spoke to all the crowds, constantly telling them about their wonderful father. Hallelujah the prince of peace. The Prince of Peace, the one who dispersed the crowds when they were stoning.
Speaker 1:The woman caught in adultery. The one who makes you lie down in green pastures, the one who leads you beside still waters, the Prince of Peace, hallelujah, hallelujah. And I'm going back into it. And now we know that Jesus is born on the planet. He is born to a Virgin Mary and his father's name is Joseph, and I'm not getting into that. And he's on this planet and now his time has come.
Speaker 1:And now Jesus goes to John the Baptist to be baptized at the Jordan. And Matthew 3, 16 and 17. Matthew 3, 16 and 17, when he had been baptized. So he goes to John, as I told you, to be baptized, and of course John hesitates, saying Lord, you are coming to me to be baptized. I need to be baptized by you. And Jesus tells him do it as it needs to be done, there's no exception for me, hallelujah.
Speaker 1:And when he had been baptized, jesus came up immediately from the water and behold, the heavens were open to him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon him and suddenly a voice from heaven saying this is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased. Oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah. And I want to tell you there were crowds there. This didn't happen in seclusion. Jesus came up to John the Baptist to be baptized in broad daylight, with people around, and this happened with let's call it witnesses, the spirit of God descending like a dove upon Jesus and a voice from heaven saying this is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased, oh hallelujah. But yet not enough. Yet not enough for the crowds and yet not enough for the witnesses. The world did not believe or accept Jesus. It's not like Jesus didn't know this was going to happen. He knew. It's not like the father didn't know this was going to happen. He knew.
Speaker 1:And Jesus now, after being baptized and after having the spirit of God come down from heaven upon him, perform signs, miracles, wonders. He goes from city to city getting disciples to follow him and he is healing the crowds, he is speaking to the crowds, he is feeding the crowds, signs, wonders and miracles. Jesus healed the blind, the lame walked, the paralyzed got up. The Bible says he healed all kinds of diseases and all kinds of sicknesses and he freed the oppressed. And yet the people wanted to condemn him. But, as I said, it's not like Jesus didn't know this was going to happen.
Speaker 1:And from the book of John, the 8th chapter, the 21st and 23rd verse, the words of Jesus when I go, you cannot come. This is with him, with Jesus speaking to the crowds. I'm just telling you enough of instances where he's trying to make it known to the people, when he's on this planet, that he's not from here. And just in case you've not seen the signs, miracles and wonders, and just in case you've not seen my father speak to you from heaven and send his, his spirit, down upon me, just in case you've not seen my father speak to you from heaven and send his, his spirit, down upon me, just in case I'm still saying it to you where I go, you cannot come. He's telling the crowds when he was on this planet you are from beneath, I am from above. You are of this world, I am not of this world. Oh hallelujah, jesus is not from our world and he kept telling everyone while he was on this planet.
Speaker 1:And, as I said, jesus knew why he was here. He came down to this earth for a reason and, as was planned and known to Jesus, he was condemned to death on a cross, a curse at that time, as anyone who hangs on a cross is considered. It was considered a curse and he accepts a curse to be hung on a cross and to die on a cross. And that's not the time of his life that I want to talk to you about today, but Jesus does give up his life on the cross for you and me, and then they take his body and they lay it in a tomb and that's the end of jesus on this planet, is it? And his disciples are lost and they're scared because the shepherd has been struck down. And yes, of course, just as you know, his disciples had also been there with him when he healed or when he revived the dead. He brought the dead back to life, but in this case, they saw him dying on a cross in front of them and all, all hope is lost. The faith must have been shattered and, yes, he's laid in a tomb after being crucified, but wait, on the third day he rose from the dead, oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah. On the third day he rose from the dead and the disciples who followed him and who were with him constantly was scared and afraid of the future, I told you. But only two people were there that morning. That beautiful morning, mary and Mary Magdalene Came to see the tomb.
Speaker 1:The Bible says and there was a earthquake and you can read it in the Bible anytime you like. It's in Matthew, the 28th chapter, and, as I said, the two Marys are there and there's a big earthquake and an angel of the Lord came down from heaven, the Bible says, and rolled back the tombstone and sat on it. Oh hallelujah, oh, look at God making a spectacle out of it. What Death. Death has no hold over Jesus.
Speaker 1:Matthew 20, at the 15th, 6th verse, says but the angel answered and said to the woman Do not be afraid. To the women. To the woman Do not be afraid. To the women, I'm sorry, do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, he is risen. Come see the place where the Lord lay.
Speaker 1:Oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah. Do not be afraid. I know you seek Jesus who was crucified, but he's not here, he is risen. Now let me tell you that when they crucified him, they even put guards outside saying you know what? His disciples are going to come and steal his body, saying that he rose from the dead. So keep guards there so that they are unable to steal his body. And you know what? Before this angel came down from heaven and moved the tombstone, those guards are right there. And I told you should read it from matthew, the 28th chapter. Those guards see the angel and they freeze like they are dead. They're scared and shuddering and shivering. Don't be afraid, he tells the women. I know you seek Jesus who was crucified. He's not here, he's risen. Come see hallelujah, oh hallelujah.
Speaker 1:And I want to tell you that Jesus meets with his disciples multiple times, before he, before he went up to heaven, before he goes back to his throne, that he came from hallelujah. One of his disciples even said I'll not believe till I touch his pierced palms. I'll not believe that it's him. You know what? He came to him in person, oh hallelujah. But leave that for another time. And now I'm going straight to you, to the Word of God from the book of Philippians, the second chapter, the 8th to the 11th verse.
Speaker 1:And being found in appearance as a man. I told you he came down as a man, he was born to a version, he lived here as a human being, found in appearance as a man. He humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. And I told you about the time that he gave up his life on a cross, knowing fully, well, telling people I'm not from you, I'm not from this realm, I'm not from this world. Where I'm from, you can't come. You're from beneath, I'm from above, I'm not from this world. Is that not clear enough. No, it was not clear enough for the people. And even though death, death on a cross.
Speaker 1:Therefore, god also has highly exalted him and given him the name that is, above all names that at the name of Jesus. Oh, pay attention to this now, because this is the age that we live in. Oh, that was the Old Testament, that was the New Testament. Right, jesus was here and none of us were here. That was many, many years ago, but this is what Jesus is now. Therefore, god exalted him and has given him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus, every knee will bow, of those in heaven and of those on earth and of those under the earth, oh, hallelujah. And every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah Humbled himself to death on a cross for you and me, and because of that, today, jesus has a name that's above all names. Every knee will bow, every knee will bow at the name of Jesus on the earth, above the earth and below the earth. Oh hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. And today I want to give you a revelation of Jesus given to John by God on the island of Patmos, the victorious one sitting at the right hand at the throne of God, hallelujah, revelation 1, the 13th verse onwards says and one like the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded above the chest with a golden band of hallelujah.
Speaker 1:His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes like the flame of fire. His feet were like fine brass as it is refined in a furnace, and his voice as the sound of many waters. And he had in his right hand seven stars, and out of his mouth went a two sharp, two-edged sword, and his countenance was like the Sun shining in its strength. Oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah, that is Jesus for you and me. Oh hallelujah, the one like the son of man, clothed with the garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with the golden band. His head and hair are white like wool, as white as snow, his eyes like a flame of fire. Oh Hallelujah. His feet like fine brass as it's refined in a furnace and his voice as the sound of many waters. He has in his right hand seven stars and out of his mouth granted sharp, two edged sword. His countenance is like the Sun shining in strength. Oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah, that is Jesus for you, from the start to the end. There is no end, hallelujah, hallelujah. Some of you can feel God's presence. Some of you can feel God's presence, some of you can feel Jesus next to you today. Hallelujah, praise God for that, for unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given. The government will be upon his shoulders and his name will be called Wonderful Counselor, mighty God, everlasting Father, prince of Peace, and of the increase of His government and peace, there will be no end, hallelujah.
Speaker 1:Thank you for this beautiful time. Thank you for your sharp, double edged sword that cuts through bone and marrow, your word that does not go back Unfulfilled. It does not go back until it has achieved what it has been set out for. I thank you, lord, that you're watching over your word to perform it. Thank you for this beautiful time. Thank you for coming down on this planet for us. Thank you for giving up humbling yourself and giving up your life on a cross for all of us. We join in the hosts of the angels and we sing holy, holy, holy Lord, god Almighty, who was and is and is to come. Thank you, lord, for your beautiful presence. Thank you, lord, for this beautiful time. We give you glory and honor, lord. Thank you, lord, for this beautiful time. We give you glory and honor, lord. We thank you for your name, the name that's above every, every name. By your name, every knee will bow on the earth, above the earth and below the earth. Thank you, lord, for this beautiful time. In Jesus name, I pray, amen.