the new Jerusalem
What is the true gospel of Jesus Christ? What is the good news of His Salvation?
Jesus gave Himself as a ransom for all of us. He paid a heavy price at the cross because He loves us. Each week, hear about how to break free from religious restrictions but instead have an abiding, trusting relationship with Jesus.
If you want to live in the shelter of the Most High, encompassed by His blessing, His overflowing grace, and His never failing, everlasting love, this podcast is for you.
“And how will they preach unless they are commissioned and sent for that purpose?
Just as it is written and forever remains written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!”
- Romans 10:15
Quel est le véritable évangile de Jésus-Christ ? Quelle est la bonne nouvelle de son salut ?
Jésus s'est donné en rançon pour nous tous. Il a payé un lourd tribut à la croix parce qu'il nous aime. Chaque semaine, découvrez comment vous libérer des restrictions religieuses et vivre une relation durable et confiante avec Jésus.
Si vous voulez vivre à l'abri du Très-Haut, entouré de sa bénédiction, de sa grâce débordante et de son amour éternel, ce podcast est fait pour vous.
"Et comment prêcheront-ils s'ils ne sont pas mandatés et envoyés dans ce but ?
Comme il est écrit et qu'il sera toujours écrit : "Qu'ils sont beaux les pieds de ceux qui annoncent de bonnes nouvelles !
- Romains 10:15
¿Cuál es el verdadero Evangelio de Jesucristo? ¿Cuáles son las buenas nuevas de Su Salvación?
Jesús se entregó como rescate por todos nosotros. Pagó un alto precio en la cruz porque nos ama. Cada semana, escuche cómo liberarse de las restricciones religiosas y en su lugar tener una relación duradera y de confianza con Jesús.
Si quiere vivir al abrigo del Altísimo, rodeado de Su bendición, Su gracia desbordante y Su amor eterno que nunca falla, este podcast es para usted.
"¿Y cómo predicarán a menos que sean comisionados y enviados para ese propósito?
Como está escrito y para siempre: "¡Qué hermosos son los pies de los que anuncian buenas nuevas!"
- Romanos 10:15
- 罗马书 10:15
the new Jerusalem
Rise Up
Here's a wonderful promise from God brought to life for anyone listening to this episode.
If you have been waiting for your circumstances to change, your time has come. Receive His promise and know with all your mind, body and soul that He loves you.
“He will call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him. With a long life I will satisfy him And let him see My salvation.”
- Psalm 91:15-16
I want to start this morning by telling you that today is a prophetic word and be ready for God to work in your lives, hallelujah. And I want to tell you that you can take nothing away from the cross. I want to start with this. This beautiful day, you cannot add or subtract or even have words for, nor can you even fathom what was done for you and me on that cross. You can add nothing. What was done on the cross for you and me has changed your lineage. And I told you you can't even fathom what was done on that cross for you and me. And Ecclesiastes 3.14 says I know that everything God does will remain forever. There is nothing to add to it and there is nothing to take from it, for God has so worked that men should fear him. And I'm reading it again because it's so beautiful, this passage of scripture Ecclesiastes 3.14 says I know that everything God does will remain forever. There is nothing to add to it and there is nothing to take from it, which means subtract from it, for God has worked so that men should fear him. But I want to tell you this this morning the Old Testament says Ecclesiastes is in the Old Testament and it says that we may fear him. But I already told you, and I have said this to you before and I will say it to you again, that look at the Old Testament a little differently when you read it. Yes, it is documentation of how God worked in old times, but everything changes, I told you after the cross and you everything changes, I told you after the cross, and you should look at the Old Testament now through the cross. And, yes, the Bible does say that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. But the cross, as I said, is the ultimate sacrifice made for you and me, the ultimate act of love from a father to all his children, his chosen ones, hallelujah. And so that going back to the scripture, for God has so worked it that men should fear him, and I'd like to look at it as and men should know that he loves them after the cross, hallelujah. So you should know this morning that nothing, nothing, nothing can be added or subtracted from what was done on that cross.
Speaker 1:Let me tell you this for someone this morning Jesus loves you, he loves you very deeply and some of you are dealing with certain things and for those of you who are not, praise God for that. But I know some of you are dealing with certain things and you've even reached a point where you're asking where he even is, probably right now, where you're thinking God's not in my situation. You've reached a place where your faith is hanging on a thin line maybe, and I want to tell you this morning that Jesus loves you. He loves you and you must know that this morning there is no one, there is no one who would knowingly get on a cross for you and me. No one. There will be people who will say they will do it for you, say they will do it for you, but just when it comes to the crown of thorns on his head, that's where somebody would back off right there. But he didn't and he went on and he went through the whipping and the spitting on him and the tearing of his garments and being nailed to a cross for you and me. So I want to tell you this morning Jesus absolutely loves you and the love that he has for you nobody can even fathom. I told you what happened on that cross. You cannot fathom, and this is for somebody here this morning.
Speaker 1:Psalm 91, 15 and 16 says if you think you're in that position or you are in that situation. Psalm 91, 15 and 16. He will call upon me and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble. I will rescue and honour him With long life. I will rescue and honor him with long life. I will. I will satisfy him and let him see my salvation. Amen, hallelujah.
Speaker 1:What a powerful passage of scripture. If you're hanging on that thread today, a very thin line. And if you think he is not around here, let me tell you he absolutely is. But this is for you this morning. He will call upon me and I will answer him, and I will be with him in trouble. I will rescue him and honor him With a long life. I will satisfy him and let him see my salvation. Hallelujah, call upon him. Call upon him and he will answer you with his word. He will rescue you, he will honor you. You've been put to shame in the past. He will restore your honor. Are you in a position right now where your honor is being questioned? He will restore your honor.
Speaker 1:Remember and mark this date With your long life. He will satisfy you. You will have long life and you will see. You will see his salvation. Oh, hallelujah, you will see it. The Bible does not mince a single was and he will let you see his salvation. He will give you a vision, he will open your spiritual eyes and you will see it. And, as I said, remember this day and mark it, hallelujah. Today I actually have a very short word and I told you it's a prophetic and this is a prophecy for you today. For you today, this morning, from the most high, and I'm going straight into it, from the book of Ezekiel, 36th chapter, the 8th verse. And pay attention to this this morning, because I told you, mark the date. It's the first week of November of 2024. Mark the date. Ezekiel 36.8 says but you, o mountains of Israel, you will put forth your branches and bear fruit for my people, israel, for they will soon come. Oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah. But you, o mountains of Israel, you will put forth your branches and bear your fruit for my people, israel, oh hallelujah, for they will come soon. God is calling the elements to align to you. He's telling the mountains to put forth their branches and bear fruits for you. Amen. Your situations, your jobs, things around you, they're going to be aligned as a blessing for you. Hallelujah, you will enter into a situation that has been pre-set for you by God, and I told you, mark the date of this, date of 2024 and this month where God has changed things, oh, hallelujah. And the next verse goes on to say For behold, I am for you and I will turn to you, and you will be cultivated and sown. Oh, amen, for behold, I am for you and I will turn to you. Oh, that means he's going to turn his attention to you. He is for you. How deep is that? Behold, I am for you and I will turn to you, and you will be cultivated and sown. And now let me just tell you what this actually means. First of all, you should know and you should understand from the scripture 36, ezekiel 36, 9 says that God is for you. It doesn't matter who else is for you when God is for you and you will be cultivated and sown means you are being made ready for a harvest. You are being made ready for a harvest. He will plow the field for you, he will lay the land for you, he will water the ground for you, all laid ready for you to become a harvest. A man, a man, oh, a man. And you will be cultivated and sown. You will be cultivated and sown. Hallelujah. Ezekiel 36, 10, says I will multiply men on you all. The house of Israel, all of it, and the cities will be inhabited and the waste places will be rebuilt. Amen, amen, hallelujah, I will multiply men on you all. The house of Israel, all of it, and the cities will be inhabited and the waste places will be rebuilt. Amen, oh, amen. You will receive help from everywhere and everyone. Amen. You will receive help from everywhere and everyone, amen. You will receive help from everywhere, because God is sending men and multiplying them on you, multiplying them to you, to you, things that have been ruined, desolate and useless to you. They are being rebuilt by God for you. The waste places will be rebuilt. Dead situations coming to life for you, amen, hallelujah. Death situations coming to life for you, amen, hallelujah.
Speaker 1:Ezekiel, 36 chapter, the 11th verse. The next verse says I will multiply on you man and beast and they will increase and be fruitful. Listen to this, you Listen to this, you pay attention to this. I will multiply on you man and beast and they will increase and be fruitful and I will cause you to be inhabited as you were formerly and will treat you better than at the first. Oh hallelujah. Thus you will know that I am the lord. Oh, beautiful, beautiful jesus, I will multiply on you, man and beast, and they will increase and be fruitful, and I will cause you to be inhabited as you were formerly, and I will treat you better than the first, oh hallelujah. Just so that you know that I am God, let me tell you what this passage of scripture means. Whatever you need will be sent to you, and they will multiply your situation and make it fruitful. Whatever you need, it will come to you. Amen.
Speaker 1:Your surroundings, your life, your health, your bank balances, your friendships, your work situations. God is changing them right now as this word is released your health, your family situations, everything. And why? Because things will not be as they were. They will not be as they used to be before for you. It's His word I will cause you to be inhabited as you were formerly and I will treat you better than the first. So, whatever beauty you've seen in your life, whatever wonderful multiplication you've seen, it's nothing, because he's going to do more. Oh, hallelujah, he's changing things for you already. Things that were in the past are gone. Don't look back. It's he is changing things for you already. Things that were in the past are gone. Don't look back. It's over, it's the past. It's gone. Don't look back. New or better things are coming for you.
Speaker 1:Align to the word of God that you may know and acknowledge, and stand up with your head, head high, with your chest out, knowing that you are the son, the daughter of the Most High, and he will always be your father and your Lord. Oh, and for some of you who have gone through your entire life with fingers pointing at you, you've gone through life being blamed. You've gone through life being called the reason why things have failed. You know the bad omen, bad omen, bad omen. Don't go to that person. It will definitely fall flat.
Speaker 1:You know, ezekiel 36.15 says I will not Let you hear insults from the nations anymore, amen. Nor will you bear disgrace from the peoples any longer, nor will you cause your nation to stumble any longer, declares the Lord. Oh man, hallelujah. You've been ridiculed. You've had multiple, multiple people stand up against you and blame you for whatever happened. Oh, the Lord is restoring that today for you, and I'm reading it again because this passage of scripture is so powerful I will not let you hear insults from the nations anymore, nor will you bear disgrace from the people any longer, nor will you cause your nation to stumble any longer. You have been turned into a blessing. That's what this passage of scripture means. No one will ever look at you and point a finger. The nations will not look at you anymore. You will no longer be a point of disgrace for anyone, and most of all not yourself, and nor will you be a stumble any longer, which means he is turning you, a man hallelujah into a blessing, declares the Lord. Oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah. You're not hear any insults anymore from anyone. Those days days are gone. Those days are over. Hallelujah, hallelujah.
Speaker 1:Thank you, lord, for this beautiful prophecy. Thank you for this beautiful word. Thank you, lord, for releasing it for your people. Thank you, lord, that you are watching over your word to perform it. Thank you for this beautiful blessing from the book of Ezekiel, the 36th chapter, the 8th verse onwards, lord, and I thank you that the blessings in Ezekiel 36 have already come to life in people's lives who have heard this prophecy, and I thank you, lord, that they will know and stand still and put their hands up and praise you and know that you are God and join in the hosts of angels saying holy, holy, holy hosts of angels saying holy, holy, holy Lord, god Almighty, who was and is and is to come. Glory and honor be unto you. We thank you for a name that's above all names, where every knee will bow on the earth, above the earth and below the earth.
Speaker 1:Thank you, lord, for changing our lives 360 degrees because of this beautiful prophecy. Thank you, lord. People will see it. Mark the date, people will see it november 2024, and you will see this happen in your life. Amen, because, god, we are faithless, but God remains faithful. He is watching over us. We are to perform it. His word does not go back until it has achieved what it has been set out for, lord, and I thank you for that, lord. Thank you for this beautiful time in your presence, thank you for this beautiful word that you've chosen to release for us. Thank you, lord. In Jesus' name, I pray Amen. Thank you, lord. In jesus name, I pray amen.