the new Jerusalem
What is the true gospel of Jesus Christ? What is the good news of His Salvation?
Jesus gave Himself as a ransom for all of us. He paid a heavy price at the cross because He loves us. Each week, hear about how to break free from religious restrictions but instead have an abiding, trusting relationship with Jesus.
If you want to live in the shelter of the Most High, encompassed by His blessing, His overflowing grace, and His never failing, everlasting love, this podcast is for you.
“And how will they preach unless they are commissioned and sent for that purpose?
Just as it is written and forever remains written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!”
- Romans 10:15
Quel est le véritable évangile de Jésus-Christ ? Quelle est la bonne nouvelle de son salut ?
Jésus s'est donné en rançon pour nous tous. Il a payé un lourd tribut à la croix parce qu'il nous aime. Chaque semaine, découvrez comment vous libérer des restrictions religieuses et vivre une relation durable et confiante avec Jésus.
Si vous voulez vivre à l'abri du Très-Haut, entouré de sa bénédiction, de sa grâce débordante et de son amour éternel, ce podcast est fait pour vous.
"Et comment prêcheront-ils s'ils ne sont pas mandatés et envoyés dans ce but ?
Comme il est écrit et qu'il sera toujours écrit : "Qu'ils sont beaux les pieds de ceux qui annoncent de bonnes nouvelles !
- Romains 10:15
¿Cuál es el verdadero Evangelio de Jesucristo? ¿Cuáles son las buenas nuevas de Su Salvación?
Jesús se entregó como rescate por todos nosotros. Pagó un alto precio en la cruz porque nos ama. Cada semana, escuche cómo liberarse de las restricciones religiosas y en su lugar tener una relación duradera y de confianza con Jesús.
Si quiere vivir al abrigo del Altísimo, rodeado de Su bendición, Su gracia desbordante y Su amor eterno que nunca falla, este podcast es para usted.
"¿Y cómo predicarán a menos que sean comisionados y enviados para ese propósito?
Como está escrito y para siempre: "¡Qué hermosos son los pies de los que anuncian buenas nuevas!"
- Romanos 10:15
- 罗马书 10:15
the new Jerusalem
Our Helper
What's the one promise from God that we often take for granted?
Tune in to this week's episode to discover what that promise is! This reassurance from our Lord Jesus can transform the way we view our circumstances.
“Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.”
- John 14:12
I want to start this morning and start with telling all of you that some of you that some of you might not know, but Jesus walked on this planet and he is the son of God. And he walked on this planet and I want to tell you that he performed miracles, signs and wonders. Jesus made the lame walk, he made the blind see, the lepers were made well, they were healed, in some cases they even made whole. The paralyzed walked. The dead were raised, 5000 were fed by 5 loaves and two fish. In fact, multitudes were fed many times through Jesus or by Jesus. But I want to tell you this morning that he came for a purpose To spread the good news of the kingdom of God, to die on a cross for you and me To become a curse and to show dead defeat and on the third day be raised from the dead. And let me tell you he is alive today and he is seated at the right hand of God, hallelujah. So he didn't just come out of nothing. There was a purpose and this beautiful day.
Speaker 1:I want to take you to two different time zones, two different time lines, far apart from each other One long before Jesus came came to this planet and one after Jesus has gone from this planet, two very different timelines, far apart from each other. And I'm getting straight into it. I'm going into the word of God from the book of Genesis, the first chapter, the first verse, until the fourth, and pay attention to this, pay attention to this in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. God created the heavens and the earth. So it's taking you right to the beginning, the first book in the Bible, and the first chapter of that very first book and the first verse. In the beginning God created the heavens and earth. The earth was formless and void and darkness was over the surface of the deep and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters. And then God said let there be light. And there was light. And God saw that the light was good and God separated the light from the darkness. Hallelujah Creation. And you can go back and read it in your own time. Genesis, the first chapter, the first verse onwards until the fourth, and you can go and read beyond. And the earth did not exist as we know it today. But the Bible says the spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters. The spirit of God, another version says, was hovering over the waters, oh hallelujah. And then there was light, separated from darkness, day and night happens. And God created land from the waters and, as I said, you can go ahead and read it, it's all there. And then he created the heavens and he created vegetation, and then God created sea creatures and birds of the air and beasts of the ground and everything that crawls.
Speaker 1:The Bible says, but right now I leave you with this God speaking the word and things happening as they were being spoken. Every time God speaks the word or says the words, bible says it was so. Oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah, the Spirit of God. But the Word of God and creation happens. Word of God and creation happens, hallelujah. And as I said, I'm going to leave you with that and I'll give you a little secret that a lot of things in the word of God, if you meditate on, gives you a deeper relationship with God. And I'm leaving you with this this morning Genesis, the first chapter, the first verse onwards, which talks about creation with God and the Spirit of God hovering over the waters when there was nothing on the planet.
Speaker 1:And every time God says something, it's done. The Bible says, and it was so, hallelujah. Now I'm taking you back to another timeline, the timeline when Jesus is on this planet and I told you he, I started with telling you he, he had a purpose. It's very clear, very clear purpose, and his time has come. Now he has to take up the cross and he's telling it to his disciples, because he spent time with them and his disciples followed him everywhere he went, and I told you about the wonderful miracle signs and wonders that Jesus operated in, and his disciples were always there with him to see it happen. And now it's time for him to tell them about what he's come for and what's about to happen, about what he's come for and what's about to happen. And Jesus is telling his disciples about, about this, about the next few things that are about to unfold and how it is going to pan out and when. Finding this out, his disciples are troubled and, in fact, some of them also in denial, excuse me.
Speaker 1:And then, in the book of john, the 14th chapter, the 12th verse, truly, truly, I say to you the words of jesus, and let me tell you that when j Jesus says truly, truly, or verily, verily, it means pay attention. So for you and me this morning. Pay attention to this beautiful Word of God from John, the 14th chapter, the 12th verse onwards truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in me, the works that I do, he will do also, and greater works than these he will do, because I go to the Father, oh, hallelujah. Oh wait, I'm reading this again. So Jesus wants to have your attention this morning and he's telling you, truly, truly, verily, verily. I say to you, he who believes in me, the works that I do, he will do also, and greater works than these he will do, because I go to the father, hallelujah. And I want to tell you that you know what? Now? I've, some of you have wonderful imaginations and you know what. Go for it If you are on this planet. When Jesus was here and you're walking with him everywhere he goes. Because Jesus went everywhere with an entourage, right, and you know what people were sticking to him and wow. And now he's telling you and me whatever I have done, you will do greater than what I have done. You will do and I'm like, no, not possible, right, the things that you have done. I will no, really, verily, verily, I say to you. Jesus is telling you this morning, truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in me, the works that I do, he will do also Greater works than these. Also, he will do Hallelujah, oh hallelujah.
Speaker 1:I want to tell you what the book of Acts says, the 19th chapter. I'm reading to you from the Word of God God was performing extraordinary miracles by the hands of Paul. So Jesus tells his disciples what's about to happen and he tells them truly, truly, he who believes in me. And Then, immediately after that, you know, the entire their life changes because he's, he's hung on a cross Right in front of the eyes and he gives up his life of their eyes, and he gives up his life and on the third day he's raised from the dead. But you know, in all of this I think everyone would have forgotten what he told them. But Paul must have clung on to it at some level. And the Bible says, and I'm reading it to you again God was performing extraordinary miracles by the hands of Paul, so that the handkerchiefs, or aprons, were even carried from his body to the sick and the diseases left them and the evil spirits ran away. Oh, hallelujah, oh, you know what? This didn't even happen to Jesus. Of course there was a case where somebody touched the hem of his garment and was healed from something that was troubling her for 12 years. But this is something else. His handkerchiefs and his aprons were healing people, wow, hallelujah. In fact, even evil spirits left him Through his apron and his handkerchief. He's not even there, oh, hallelujah, and I have to tell this to you. The story just touched me and I had to share it with you.
Speaker 1:From Acts, the 14th chapter, it goes on to say at a place called Lystra or Lystra, I'm not sure A man was sitting, and again, paul is preaching. He must have been. He was, wow, hallelujah. And he's preaching. And there's a man sitting there, the Bible says, who had no strength in his feet, lame from his mother's womb, who had never walked. The Bible says acts 14, 8 onwards. And then it goes on to say this man is listening to Paul. I'm reading to you from the Word of God. This is not me.
Speaker 1:This man was listening to Paul, as he spoke, who, when he had fixed his gaze on him and had seen that he had faith to be made, well, he said with a loud voice stand upright on your feet. And he leaped and he began to walk. Oh hallelujah, oh hallelujah, hallelujah. But how is this possible? How is this possible? How? Hey, by the way, I'm just giving you the example of Paul. There were many other examples, but I'm not getting into those. I'm just giving you the example of Paul because, as the Bible said, god worked extraordinary miracles through Paul. Hall, hallelujah, hallelujah.
Speaker 1:But I want to tell you how this was happening. Because Jesus, in the very next sentence, after what he said, remember the truly truly one. I'll read it again for you. Truly truly, I say to you he who believes in me, the works that I do, he will do also, and greater works than these he will do. I go to the father that one, and immediately after that, jesus gives the secret to his disciples. And before I reveal it to you this morning, I want to tell you here's my version. I want to say that paul would have probably been the only one who understood it fully and took it all the way, or rather just took it the way Jesus said it. Okay, jesus said it means it's going to happen. And, as I said, it's my version. And that's why I feel God worked extraordinary miracles through Paul. The Bible says it.
Speaker 1:And here's Jesus giving you and me the secret this morning, from John, the 14th chapter to the 16th verse onwards, I will ask the Father, and he will give you another helper, oh hallelujah. Oh, some of you can feel God's presence right now. He will give you another helper, that he may be with you forever. That is the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive because it did not see Him or know Him. But you know him, because he abides with you and you will be, and he will be in you, in you, oh hallelujah.
Speaker 1:What a powerful passage of scripture. I will ask the Father and he will give you another helper, oh, that he may be with you forever. And that's the spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive because it does not know him and the world has not seen him. But you know him. You know why you know him because you believe in Jesus, oh hallelujah. And because you know him, he abides with you and will be in you, oh Hallelujah, oh. I want to tell you, hallelujah, when you know Jesus and you believe in Jesus and you put your faith in His name and you put your faith in Jesus, I want to tell you, you know the Holy Spirit. And then he abides with you, he is your helper, he who is with you forever, oh, hallelujah.
Speaker 1:Oh, jesus was with his disciples for a short time, but I told you it was a purpose. There always is a purpose. When it is Jesus and you know what, and he leaves, and just because you and I, yours and yours after he's gone, have put our faith in him, he has given you a helper forever. Oh, hallelujah. He is forever with you, and if you don't get it, oh, you just don't get it. And if you get it, oh, you will absolutely get it. I send you two by two, oh, hallelujah. Oh, when Jesus sent out his disciples, he sent them two by two, and when he left this planet, he's left you, hallelujah, two by two, forever.
Speaker 1:Oh, the Holy Spirit, the beautiful Holy Spirit, is forever with you, with you, never leave you nor forsake you. You know these words With you, always at your right hand, with you, with you, never leave you, nor forsake you. You know these words with you, always at your right hand, with you. Oh, you believe it this morning and I want to tell you, one of you is feeling that you're in this journey alone, whatever it is that you're going through. I don't know what you're going through, but I want to tell you and I want to show you this morning, and not through the word of God and go back and I'm hoping you've made notes on all these scriptures that have been shared this morning. But you know what? You are not alone and you always have the spirit with you.
Speaker 1:And I want to tell you that if you think you're alone, I'm asking you this and you might not like it, but do you really know Jesus? And then go back to your foundation and rebuild it, because that's on you. Nothing can be undone as to what was done on that cross. It was done for you and me, and you have the Bible, and if you don't have one, go and buy one, and you have the bible. And if you don't have one, go and buy one. And then rebuild your foundation and then know that once your foundation is rebuilt, you have a helper who is always with you. And let me tell you this it's not me, it's the word of God. And don't ever think that you are alone, because you are undermining what Jesus did on that cross for you and me. So don't ever think that. Don't do that. I can only urge you and I want to leave you with this beautiful scripture, exactly after what he said about the helper, jesus is saying to you and me this morning John 14, chapter 27, verse onwards Peace I leave with you, peace I leave with you. Peace I leave with you. Oh, hallelujah, so strong, my peace I give to you. Oh, oh, hallelujah, so strong, my peace I give to you. Hallelujah, my peace I give to you, not as the world gives, I give to you. Oh, beautiful Jesus, do not let your heart be troubled. People, you, you, yes, do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful. Oh, don't fear anything, fear nothing. When Jesus sent his disciples out to spread the good news, he told them take nothing and go two by two. I am telling you this morning you need nothing because you have two by two. Oh, hallelujah, fear nothing. He's given you his peace, his peace is with you. And if you're not sure you know what, just look over your right shoulder, just turn to your right. Hallelujah, peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you, not as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled. Beautiful, beautiful people who know Jesus, children of the most high, do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful, fear nothing. Hallelujah. Dear Lord, I thank you for this beautiful word. I thank you for your beautiful presence. People can feel you, lord. I thank you for your double-edged sword that does not go back until it has achieved what it has been set out for. I thank you, lord, for what you did on that cross for us. Lord, you were beaten to death, and death on a cross only for us. I thank you for your beautiful helper, your wonderful, wonderful spirit that's always with us. Our helper will never leave us nor forsake us, who is always with us forever. Thank you, lord, for watching over your word to perform it. Thank you, lord, that we need nothing more for our lives on this planet besides you. Thank you for this beautiful time, lord. Thank you for what you did on that cross. Thank you for your love, the love that you show over us every morning, with renewed blessings and fresh grace every morning. Thank you, lord. In Jesus' name, I pray, amen. Thank you.